"海因里希·伯尔" 共找到影视: 11 部
拥护者:我们的德国之秋 6


  West Germany in the 1970s. Many artists, journalists and intellectuals were branded as sympathizers of Baader-Meinhof's left-wing terrorism. The parents of the director, too: Margarethe von Trotta and his stepfather, Volker Schlndorff. With extensive archive materials and film clips as well as Margarethe von Trotta's private diaries the film portrays one German family and the ...

TheLostHonorofKathrynBeck 4


青春舞曲 6


  At the end of the 1960s the post-war generation began to revolt against their parents. This was a generation disillusioned by anti-communist capitalism and a state apparatus in which they believed they saw fascist tendencies. This generation included journalist Ulrike Meinhof, lawyer Horst Mahler, filmmaker Holger Meins as well as students Gudrun Ensslin and Andreas Baader.

HinterderLeinwand 5


  • 已更新至4集
  • 1961  

  Das vom Hessischen Rundfunk produzierte Filmmagazin berichtete über Dreharbeiten zu aktuellen Filmen und Proben zu Bühnenproduktionen und zeigte Interviews mit Stars und Machern.

马霍卡-莫夫 8


  Straub-Huillet’s adaptation of Heinrich Bll’s biting satire Bonn Diary presents the reflections of a reactivated officer who is summon ed to the West German capital by the Ministry of Defense to establish an Academy for Military Memories. Straub considered his film to be an intervention against German rearmament in the Adenauer era: "Machorka-Muff is the story of a rape, the r...

没有和解 4


  • 已完结
  • 1965  

  The subtitle of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet’s first feature, from 1965, “Only Violence Helps Where Violence Reigns,” suggests the fierce political program evoked by their rigorous aesthetic. The pretext of the film, set in Cologne, is Heinrich Bll’s novel “Billiards at Half Past Nine,” which they strip down to a handful of stark events and film with a confrontational...

德国之秋 10


  1977年,一个商人被绑架后又被谋杀,杀他的是左翼的称为RAF的恐怖分子Armee Fraktion(红色帮派),他们绑架商人是为了试图以交换他们被抓的领导人。当诱拐的努力和一次劫持飞机相继努力失败后,RAF的3位非常杰出的领导人,安德烈亚斯巴德,古德兰·恩斯林和吉恩·卡尔泪谱,全部在监狱自杀。这3人实际上是被**授命谋杀的。

肉体的代价 5


  • 已完结
  • 1975  

  年轻美丽的西德女孩卡塔琳娜布鲁姆(Angela Winkler 饰)有段失败的婚姻,她偶然在亲戚家的晚会上邂逅英军男子路德维希戈顿(Jürgen Prochnow 饰),两人一见钟情,并共度浪漫的一夜。然第二天一早,军警破门而入,四处搜查,戈顿已不见踪影。原来戈顿系警方通缉的抢劫犯,卡塔琳娜被作为同犯逮捕。
  警方的搜捕轰动一时,《图片报》记者托特盖斯(Dieter Laser 饰)四处打探消息,搜集卡塔琳娜的隐私。他将搜集到的素材提供给警长拜茨迈纳(Mario Adorf 饰),警长再将这些作为证据,对卡塔琳娜进行严刑拷问。原本生活平静的卡塔琳娜一瞬间跌至谷底……

昔日的面包 8

