"爱丽丝·罗伯茨" 共找到影视: 24 部
AncientEgyptByTrainSeason1 9


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2023  

  Ancient Egypt by Train is a unique travelogue that sees Professor Alice Roberts looking into the world’s oldest and greatest civilisation. And she’s doing it by train.
  This four-part series starts at the very end of the Ancient Egyptian empire in Alexandria, where the Romans came to take control, and travels back in time, heading south, to Cairo, Luxor and Aswan.
  Roberts digs d...

在这里插入名字 1


  • 已更新至6期
  • 2016  

长命百岁第二季第二季 8


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2008  

  Health series in which Dr Alice Roberts gives guidance on how to keep the body's organs working well and to avoid health problems caused by bad lifestyle

恐龙灭绝之日 4


  The Day The Dinosaurs Died investigates the greatest vanishing act in the history of our planet - the sudden disappearance of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.
  Experts suspect that the dinosaurs were wiped out after a city-sized asteroid smashed into the Gulf of Mexico causing a huge crater. But until now, they haven't had any proof. In a world first, evolutionary biologist B...

挖掘英国第二季 1


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2011  

  Presented by Dr Alice Roberts, Digging For Britain documents historically important archaeological finds around the country. The programme explores both new sites and those that are already well established as national treasure troves. The second series began this month and the first programme included details of the dig at the Roman Villa ruins in Folkestone, Kent , where loca...

奇妙的人类旅程 8


  • 已更新至5集
  • 2009  

  他们是如何抵达世界各地的 怀揣最新科学研究成果所昭示的线索, Alice Roberts博士重走了我们伟大祖先的光荣之路, 数千年前, 我们祖先的一支, 现代智人, 走出非洲大陆进入未知领域, 他们的后代, 走过炽热无边的沙漠, 穿过茂密潮湿的雨林, 越过贫瘠荒芜的冻土, 不惜一切代价渡过烟波浩渺的海洋, 最终创造出了灿烂辉煌的人类古代文明。
  经过从基因, 化石, 考古, 气象等各方面取证分析, Alice Roberts博士找出了我们的祖先走向世界的5条史诗般的路线, 以及他们一路上遇到的各种艰难险阻. 这将揭示出人类的这一支是如何发展壮大遍及全球, 并最终创造出如此绚丽多彩的一个世界. 虽然我们有很多不同, 但同时, Alice博士又向我们展示出了我们之间又是如何惊人的相似。

Stonehenge:TheLostCircleRevealedSeason1 3


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2021  

  Professor Alice Roberts follows a decade-long historical quest to reveal a hidden secret of the famous bluestones of Stonehenge.
  Using cutting-edge research, a dedicated team of archaeologists led by Professor Mike Parker Pearson have painstakingly compiled evidence to fill in a 400-year gap in our knowledge of the bluestones, and to show that the original stones of Britain’s m...

英国最具历史感的城镇第二季 6


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2019  

  历史学家Alice Roberts讲述书写在城市上的历史,选择最能代表英国一个历史时期的城镇,二战城市多佛、乔治王时代不莱斯托尔、爱德华时代卡迪夫、内战时牛津、金雀花王朝城市坎特伯雷及斯图尔特王朝城市斯特灵。

革新:改变世界的发明第一季 3


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2019  

  Take a mind-blowing journey through human history, told through six iconic objects that modern people take for granted, and see how science, invention, and technology built on one another to change everything.

英国皇家科学院圣诞讲座2018:我是谁 9


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2018  

  Christmas lecturer Prof Alice Roberts, and Genetics Society guest lecturer Prof Aoife McLysaght, will bring you the CHRISTMAS LECTURES on 26, 27 and 28 December at 8pm on BBC4.
  1. Where Do I Come From
  2. What Makes Me Human
  3. What Makes Me, Me
  You share 99.4% of your genes with your neighbour, 98.7% with a chimp, and even 44% with a fruit ...

英国最具历史感的城镇第一季 7


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2018  

  Professor Alice Roberts explores the UK's past, focusing on six key eras by exploring the stories of towns which best illustrate each.

史前尸检 5


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2012  

  Anatomist Professor Alice Roberts and biologist Dr George McGavin go on an extraordinary evolutionary journey to meet our ancient ancestors. At the Prehistoric Autopsy HQ in Glasgow, with the help of a team of international experts, each episode follows the rebuilding of one of our most iconic ancient ancestors from the bones up.

恐龙是怎样炼成的 10


  • 最新更新
  • 2011  

  Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago and we have hardly ever found a complete skeleton. So how do we turn a pile of broken bones into a dinosaur exhibit Dr Alice Roberts finds out how the experts put skeletons back together, with muscles, accurate postures, and even - in some cases - the correct skin colour. ----------(From BBC Four Programme Official Website)