"理查德·乌夫塞特" 共找到影视: 9 部
普拉亚太阳 1


  Site manager Tommy manages the business of the tour operator Shines offices in Gran Canaria as he wants and without interference , until Marten from headquarters will be sent there to learn the business from the ground up .

Season1 7


  • 已更新至5集
  • 2016  

海盗宝藏的秘密 3


  • 已更新至24集
  • 2014  

  The siblings Sam and Minna and their mother Eva arrive to the Orchid coast to celebrate Christmas in the sun with aunt Anja and their cousin Bianca. It's the first time after their father's death the siblings are back on his beloved Orchid coast, and it is in the same time both beautiful and sad to be there. It promises to be an exciting Christmas when a mysterious mask and old...

费亚巴卡谋杀案系列:一生的朋友 6


  The successful detective writer, Erica Falck, is thinking that her next book should be based on a true mysterious event from her childhood. When she was only 13 years old one of her dear friends and classmate Peter boarded a bus and then disappeared. Erica has been unable to let go of the tragic event and her first meeting with a real mystery. As she starts digging deeper into ...

诺贝尔的遗嘱 9



敌人必须死 9


  • 已完结
  • 2012  

  早在1912年,德国科学家弗里德里克(汤姆·伯克 Tom Burke 饰)提出了“泛大陆”的理论,意指地球上的大陆曾经全部都连在一起,因为地壳运动导致碎裂才形成了如今的格局。1939年,尽管战争正在激烈的进行当中,德国人还是排遣了一只海洋考察队前往北极腹地斯瓦尔巴特群岛,去寻找更多能够支持这一理论的证据。
  这次出行的,除了弗里德里克本人和他的助手莱尼(詹妮特·海因 Jeanette Hain 饰)外,还有来自世界各国的科学家们,他们在俄罗斯船长(斯文·诺丁 Sven Nordin 饰)的带领下扬帆起航,向目的地驶去。一边是云谲波诡的无尽海洋,一边是变幻无穷的战争局势,大陆上发生的一切,无不影响着科学家们之间关系微妙的平衡。

养子十五岁 4


  身为同性爱人,格兰(古斯塔·斯卡斯加德 Gustaf Skarsgrd 饰)和斯万(托克尔·彼特森 Torkel Petersson 饰)应该庆幸他们生在瑞典,因为这是世界上第七个承认同性恋婚姻的国家。随着感情的升温,他们觉得领养一个“爱情结晶”的时机到了。在申请屡次被拒绝之后,他们终于迎来了他们一岁半的小宝宝帕特里克(托马斯·柳恩格曼 Thomas Ljungman 饰),没想到,来到他们面前的,并非嗷嗷待哺的婴孩,却是一个浑身都充满了中二气息的少年。

爱你的父亲 2


  Writer Léo Shepherd lives in rural France together with his daughter Virginia, who manages his affairs. One day Virginia gets a call from the Swedish Academy. Léo has won the Nobel Prize for Literature. His estranged son Paul tries desperately to contact him, but is denied every time by his sister. When Léo starts traveling to the ceremony in Stockholm by motor bike, Paul decid...