"皮塔·威尔逊" 共找到影视: 10 部
尼基塔女郎第三季 3


  • 已更新至22集
  • 1999  


尼基塔女郎第二季 9


  • 已更新至22集
  • 1998  

尼基塔女郎第四季 7


  • 已更新至22集
  • 2000  


Liberator 2


  Ed Migliocetti (Lou Ferrigno, "The Incredible Hulk") has served his country. When the war began, he put aside his football career to sign up for the military. And when the powers-that-be drafted him into the Enhanced Abilities Initiative, he became The Liberator.
  Teamed with supers Sidewinder, Gaia and Volt, Liberator represented the best of America. Or so he thought. He soon f...

丹佛重案组 1



尼基塔女郎第一季 10


  • 已更新至22集
  • 1997  

  Section One, a clandestine anti-terrorist organization, fakes the death of a jailed, convicted murderer and, believing her twin assets of beauty and ability to kill will make her a valuable new operative, trains her in the fighting skills necessary to succeed in her new job. The new operative, code-named 'Josephine', proves to be somewhat less ruthless than planned, however, as...

芳魂遗恨 1


  Homicide detective Catherine Palmer investigates a series of serial killings of women who have been tortured to death by S&M and all have had their eyelids cut off. The investigation takes Catherine into a group wealthy upper class women where she is drawn to the chief suspect Vickie Kittrie who has a penchent for S&M and women, as well as Dr. Broussard, the victims shady thera...

天降奇兵 10


  • 已完结
  • 2003  

  1899年的新旧世纪之交,欧洲各国处于难得的和平时期,然而一股新近崛起的邪恶势力在首脑“幽灵”的策划下,凭借当时人们闻所未闻的先进武器,在各国间制造误会与摩擦,妄想点燃世界大战的火焰。英国**邀请隐居非洲的传奇冒险家艾伦·考特曼(Sean Connery 饰)出山解决此次危机,艾伦虽对冒险心生厌倦,但不忍非洲大陆陷入战火,遂与女吸血鬼米娜、化身博士海德、透明人斯基纳、不老不死的英俊青年格雷、尼摩船长、美国特工汤姆·索亚组成绅士联盟,乘坐尼摩船长的鹦鹉号潜艇前往威尼斯阻止幽灵的阴谋。经威尼斯一役,联盟发现此次行动居然是幽灵安排好的棋局,一切只为取得联盟成员各自的超能本领以便实现他更大的野心,被激怒的绅士联盟前往冰雪覆盖下的北国,对幽灵的组织发起了最后的决战……

ComicBookSuperheroesUnmasked 8


  Industry insiders like Stan Lee and Neil Gaiman (The Sandman) reflect on the way their colorful creations reflect society at large. They have spread from the pulpy pages of nickel comics to Saturday morning cartoons, the big screen and beyond. They have evolved from simple, All-American heroes to tortured, complicated characters reflecting the dreams, desires and fears of moder...