"皮特·田德" 共找到影视: 11 部
Alateadvusemaja 8


  Based on the long-term studies of the dreams of chimney sweeps, prepare yourself to enter this strange and nightmarish Estonian conundrum. Particularly if you like animated walruses… With shades of Jodorowsky and reminiscent of Polish film ‘The Hourglass Sanatorium’, this psychedelic journey is not to be missed. All your answers will be questioned!

中提琴 9


给邻居的信息 6



Koerkorter 5


  Driven by the barking of the voracious rented apartment, an aged ballet dancer makes his way through a permanently rain-drenched wasteland to his monotonous job. The protagonist makes graceful movements to Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake and seems briefly fulfilled. But the audience Pearls before cows! Priit Tender’s caustic, surreal stop motion animation is a free association inspire...

Varesjahiired 9


Ussinuumaja 9


  A man decides to kill his wife because she can’t have children. He builds a stone house on the seashore and starts to grow maggots in it. When the maggots are as thick as a wrist, he invites his wife for a walk on the beach…
  The Maggot Feeder is an ancient Chukchi folk tale. It takes us on a journey to the darkest alleys of the human mind.

白朗峰 2


  11 min

Miriammngibpeitust 10


  5 min

TeekondUssinuumajani 10


  'Journey to the Maggot Feeder' tries to solve the mystery of a bizarre Nordic fairy tale. Priit Tender, an Estonian animator, makes a film about an old Chukchi legend- The Maggot Feeder. The unconventional narrative finds misunderstanding in the western audiences and Priit takes off to a journey to Chukotka where deeper layers of the story and local culture start to unfold. Thi...

狐狸女人 9

