"米凯莱·普拉奇多" 共找到影视: 49 部
出生入死第四季 6


  • 已更新至6集
  • 1989  

  A couple of years have passed since Corrado Cattani and Giulia Antinari broke up; during this time, Giulia died in an accident (that might or might not have been planned by Tano) and Corrado has lived alone in a place when he can be guarded 24/7. A new investigation brings him face to face with his old enemy Tano Carridi again: at a reception organized by the Antinari bank, a c...

出生入死第三季 9


  • 已更新至7集
  • 1989  

你知我几何 6


  Until the 1970s, Italian cinema dominated the international scene, even competing with Hollywood. Then, in just a few years, came its rapid decline, the flight of our greatest producers, a crisis among the best writer-directors, the collapse of production. But what are the true causes and circumstances of this decline In an attempt to provide an answer to this question, Di Me ...

鱼的解放 8


GiovanniFalcone 9


  The story of the first ever "anti-mafia judges pool" established in the '80s at the Palermo Courthouse, in Sicily, in the '80s, while two mafia families started a 10-year-long war to obtain the complete control of smuggles. Giovanni Falcone was the most important of them: he discovered the liaisons between mafia and politicians, working along with Rocco Chinnici and Paolo Borse...

ViaParadiso 4


Tipresentoun'amica 2


IlCasoPisciotta 10


Delperdutoamore 6


Padreefiglio 5


  The father, Corrado, is a worker who left his peasant roots in southern Italy and moved to Genoa to find employment a worker. His son, Gabriele, is neurotic and feels a sense of rage for which he can find no outlet. Despite the strength and dignity with which he has met the difficulties in his life, Corrado doesn't know what to do when faced with his son's problems.

凯旋进行曲 1


  Marco Bellocchio's trenchant VICTORY MARCH is about the madness of military life and its children's power games. It deals with the psychological ravishing of a sensitive and literate young man during the first year in his service in the Italian army. He is abused and shoved about by officers and non-commissioned personnel, and when he has the audacity to become a good soldier, ...

罪城苏布拉第一季 1


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2017  

  《罪城苏布拉》是一部以罗马为背景的犯罪题材惊悚剧集,讲述了教会、政客、犯罪组织、当地黑帮和房产大亨之间的明争暗斗,以及他们在争权夺势时如何模糊了守法与犯罪的界线。故事的核心是三位背景、抱负、志趣迥异的年轻人,他们必须联手才能实现心中最深的欲念。《罪城苏布拉》改编自同名小说,但时间上的设定比原著早几年。这部震撼的 10 集剧集展现出风云变幻的 20 天,动作场面,犯罪元素,精彩剧情尽在其中。

出生入死第一季 5


  • 已更新至6集
  • 1984  

  意大利经典警匪片。《出生入死》从集团犯罪的源头——西西里入手,把战后黑社会在西西里乃至整个意大利的演变历史和现状的方方面面进行了更为细致深刻的分析,就像影片本名“La piovra”(章鱼)所隐喻的那样,黑社会就像章鱼一样,已经把它的千万条触角深入渗透到了社会的各个角落,政界、金融界、司法界、工商业、新闻媒体,无论是官员、贵族、资本家还是平民劳动阶层,没有人能够彻底摆脱这种阴影,它已经和支持社会的所有骨架血肉相连,成为一个整体,根本无法斩断、分解或剥离。和《教父》不同,影片中正邪角色的分配势均力敌,但无论是正面人物还是反面人物,都被塑造得有血有肉,谁都有弱点,谁也都有其人性的一面。
  《出生入死》原名,主题是正义一方如何与黑手党展开生死较量. 这个剧从1984开始播出.原剧名的意思是"章鱼".象征黑手党的触角伸向四方,难以斩除.又是一个极阴森恐怖的形象...