"约瑟夫·施兰克" 共找到影视: 8 部
学府趣闻 2


  Dwight Dawson, who runs an unsuccessful success school, stages a contest to find the biggest failure in the USA, for publicity value when the "dope" takes his course. But winner Tad Page is contented with his idle, lazy life and threatens to convert Dawson's other students to his philosophy. Dawson captalizes on Tad's attraction to Claire Harris to win him over; but will Tad fi...

月宫宝盒 3


巨厦藏珍记 8


  在颁布禁酒令之后,Remy Marco宣布他将转入其他行当.因为他制造的啤酒酿造水平太低,所以他濒临破产.这时,他的女儿爱上了一个有钱人家的公子,但是这个公子却是个警察

出水芙蓉 5


  流行音乐作曲家史蒂夫(Red Skelton)在加州与美丽多情的大学游泳课老师卡罗琳(Esther Williams)一见倾心,两人谈婚论嫁之际,遭到唱片公司高层的反对,他们怕影响到史蒂夫为“水上盛典”作曲,但史蒂夫无视阻挠。

多情女骗子 2


  Susan Miller works behind the girdle counter in a department store and dreams about the beautiful clothes and glamour she can never hope to have. Enter May Worthington and Warren, a pair of con artists who pose as the mother and uncle of a pretty girl in order to separate millionaires from their money. They convince Susan she has an opportunity to fulfill all her dreams, and th...

司默奇熊的歌谣 7


时钟上 9
