"约翰·兰迪斯" 共找到影视: 53 部
颤栗40周年纪录片 10


  Forty years after the release of Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller,’ the best-selling album of all-time, director Nelson George takes fans back in time to the making of a pop masterpiece, featuring never-before-seen footage and candid interviews, allowing viewers to fully experience the creation of a cultural phenomenon that continues to influence the worlds of music, television, dan...

TheThreeAmigos 2


  • 正片

  Through a major misunderstanding, the three amigos, dashing stars of the silent screen, end up defending the village of Sanat Poco, Mexico in 1916. The village is being terrorized by the bandit chieftain El Guapo, and the bumbling three amigos, thinking they've been invited to make a personal experience, end up saving the day.

伊阿宋与阿耳戈英雄:雷·哈里豪森访谈 2


  An interview with Ray Harryhusen by John Landis primarily focusing on "Jason & The Argonauts".

电影中的恐怖 3


永远的英国电影 9


  • 已更新至7集
  • 2007  

伊莱·罗斯:恐怖电影史第一季 6


  • 已更新至7集
  • 2018  

  An in-depth look at the history and pop cultural significance of ysgou.cc horror films.

恐怖大师第一季 3


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2005  

  本套剧集最初创意来自于恐怖片导演米克加利斯(Mick Garris),2002年他和一众业内同好在加州共餐。席间他们相谈甚欢,惺惺相惜。在此之后,加利斯召集席间的10位导演以及其他恐怖流的高手相约共同打造一套恐怖片剧集。2005年,加利斯身兼制作人和导演两个职务,打造出每集1小时的“恐怖大师”系列(总共两季26集),唐卡斯卡尔利、斯图尔特戈登、三池崇史、约翰麦克诺顿、鹤田法男等名声显赫的导演相继参与其中,联合为恐怖片爱好者奉上惊险刺激的恐怖盛宴。
  本剧集荣获2006年艾美奖杰出主题音乐奖、2006年Sitges – Catalonian国际电影节最佳剧本和评委会特别奖。

走进黑暗第一季 3


  • 已完结
  • 2018  


雷·哈里豪森:特效巨人 6


  This is the definitive documentary about Ray Harryhausen. Aside from interviews with the great man himself, shot over five years, there are also interviews and tributes from Vanessa Harryhausen, Tony Dalton, Randy Cook, Peter Jackson, Nick Park, Phil Tippet, Peter Lord, Terry Gilliam, Dennis Muren, Rick Baker, John Landis, Ken Ralston, Guillermo Del Toro, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Ro...

危险之旅:短片合辑 8


  Michael Jackson的MV短片及花絮。

禁令:法典前好莱坞的性,罪和审查制度 1


  This documentary, Thou Shalt Not: Sex, Sin and Censorship in Pre-Code Hollywood examines the unique collision of events that resulted in one of the most dynamic – and delicious periods in Hollywood history -- a fascinating mix of scandal, big business and social history.

贝鲁什 8


  Using previously unheard audiotapes recorded shortly after John Belushi's death, director R.J. Cutler's documentary examines the too-short life of once-in-a-generation talent who captured the hearts and funny bones of devoted audiences.

创意设计者:弗兰肯斯坦情结 9


  電影一世紀,妖魔鬼怪亂銀幕也一世紀,從恐龍怪獸豆泥模型,到生動又恐怖特效化妝,到數碼特技革命搞怪搞得呼風喚雨,其實是人類借助千年神話,開發想像力的大功告成。想知怪物嚇人真相,兩個怪物頭號粉絲三年來孜孜走訪數十特效工作室,直擊傑出搞怪大師,《異形》《小魔怪》《未來戰士》《侏羅紀公園》《星河戰隊》等等怪物創作過程獨家披露,看創作者與怪物的激越關係,看怪物粉不離不棄old school 精神。巨大怪物情意結發「神」功,很像一部《科學怪人》哩!