"约翰·博尔斯" 共找到影视: 20 部
WildGold 4


艳婚秘密 7


GoodSport 8


人去楼空 10


  In Rye, New York, wealthy Walter Craig loves his wife Harriet--and doesn't know that she married him solely for independence, believing that romantic love only complicates marriage. She focuses all of her energies on ensuring that their home is maintained to her standards, where everything has its proper place--and everyone has theirs, which leads to the household domestics, wh...

6HoursToLive 5



丽娃栗妲 1


  Capt. James Stewart pursues the bandit "The Kinkajou" over the Mexican border and falls in love with Rita. He suspects, that her brother is the bandit.

卷毛头 3


  天真可爱的卷毛头伊丽莎白·布莱尔(秀兰·邓波儿 Shirley Temple饰)是孤儿院里的开心果,只有院长觉得她是个捣蛋鬼,对她非常厌恶和讨厌。伊丽莎白的姐姐玛丽·布莱尔(罗谢尔·哈德逊 Rochelle Hudson饰)美丽温柔,与伊丽莎白一同住在孤儿院。
  一天,富有的慈善家爱德华·摩根(约翰·博尔斯 John Boles饰)来到孤儿院。他被伊丽莎白天使般的纯真和异于常人的天赋打动了,萌生了收养伊丽莎白的想法。爱德华给伊丽莎白取了一个亲切的名字“卷毛头”。不仅如此,玛丽的钢琴演奏深深吸引了爱德华,在卷毛头阴差阳错的撮合下,爱德华与玛丽相爱了。

SheMarriedanArtist 7


起立欢呼 3


  President Franklin Roosevelt appoints a theatrical producer as the new Secretary of Amusement in order to cheer up an American public still suffering through the Depression. The new secretary soon runs afoul of political lobbyists out to destroy his department.

爵士之王 3



西部之歌 9


  As a wagon train treks west, two men, Lt. Singleton and a Stanton, a scout, are rivals for the attentions of the Colonels's daughter, Virginia. Stanton is held for murder after a fight with a bad guy named Davolo. He escapes jail and joins the train disguised as a minister. Virginia runs off with him and they start a saloon in San Fransisco. Guilt overcomes him and he leaves he...

CaptainoftheGuard 9


法吉尔 1


  Considering all the critical attention Howard Hawks has received over the years it's rather surprising that this film, the sixth he directed, is so little known. Admittedly, FAZIL is not at all typical of Hawks' work and lacks most of his recognizable directorial motifs, and on top of that features stars whose names only buffs will recognize, but it's a beautifully filmed, sump...

恍若昨日 6


  A one-night fling during World War I results in a young girl getting pregnant. Years later, she meets him again. Now a successful businessman, he doesn't even remember her, but tries to seduce her.