"约翰·威廉姆斯" 共找到影视: 31 部
芬德雷特先生的三个梦 5


  • 最新更新
  • 1957  

  Ernest Findlater dreams about a South Sea island and a girl he meets there named Lalage. Lalage develops a scheme to help Findlater kill his real life wife. On the night of the planned murder, Findlater discovers that his wife is already dead. She died of natural causes.

《侏罗纪公园2》制作特辑 4


鲨鱼仍在游动 6


  Directed by Academy Award winner Steven Spielberg, Jaws set the standard for edge-of-your seat suspense quickly becoming a cultural phenomenon and forever changing the movie industry. When the seaside community of Amity finds itself under attack by a dangerous great white shark, the town’s chief of police (Roy Scheider), a young marine biologist (Richard Dreyfuss) and a grizzl...

'SavingPrivateRyan':MusicandSound 4


  This short featurette is included on the 2-disc 60th Anniversary Commemorative DVD Edition for Saving Private Ryan (1998), released in 2004.

我杀了伯爵—中 7


  • 最新更新
  • 1957  

  Inspector Davidson continues to investigate the murder of Count Mattoni, in part two of this three-part story

我杀了伯爵—上 7


  • 已更新至1集
  • 1957  

  A maid discovers the body of Count Victor Mattoni. It's up to Inspector Davidson from Scotland Yard to find the murderer, in part one of a three-part episode

我杀了伯爵—下 5


  • 最新更新
  • 1957  

  Inspector Davidson continues to investigate the murder of Count Mattoni -- and receives yet another confession. Final part of a three-part story

《帝国反击战》的特效 2


  A behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the special effects in the second Star Wars installment.

AWorldWithoutBeethoven 9


  To gauge the significance of Beethoven's work, we pose the question: What would the world 'sound' like without it Without his genius, would movie scores, jazz, concept albums and much more exist as we know it

与大师对话:帝国反击战30周年纪念 5


  George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Lawrence Kasdan and John Williams look back at The Empire Strikes Back 30 years later.

斯皮尔伯格 1


  该纪录片由苏珊娜·莱西执导。纪录片对准斯皮尔伯格数十年电影拍摄经历,于此同时还展现其《大白鲨》《夺宝奇兵》《E.T. 外星人》等佳作的幕后花絮。J·J·艾布拉姆斯、克里斯蒂安·贝尔、德鲁·巴里摩尔等会出镜。

《原力觉醒》的秘密:电影之旅 8


  An inside look at the making of the movie Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015), featuring footage and exclusive interviews with the actors and filmmakers.

电影配乐传奇 6

