"约翰·斯坦纳" 共找到影视: 17 部
爱的问题 4


  Architect Dumas dies from a bullet of his own gun in front of his house. The police suspects his young Swedish wife Catherine and her English lover Tom Hastings. After numerous interrogations, in which they entangle themselves in contradictions, they try to flee, but are soon both caught and brought to trial, he in England, she in France. Only when Catherine keeps on proclaimin...

AppuntamentoaLiverpool 10


小阿基米德 4


把怪物放在首页 8


  1972, Milano. We are just a few days before the general elections. The daughter of a well-known professor is found dead. Mr Bizanti editor in chief of newspaper "Il Giornale", in agreement with its owner Mr. Montelli, decides to charge of following the story the junior Roveda and the senior Lauri. At one point, some elements indicates senator Boni as a possible murderer. All th...

Lavilleggiatura 5


FascismonaThread:TheStrangeStoryofNazisploitation 2


  A look at the ideas and people that was involved in the naziploitations movies.

欧洲式犯罪:七十年代的意大利警匪片 4


  A documentary concerning the violent Italian 'poliziotteschi' cinematic movement of the 1970s which, at first glance, seem to be rip-offs of American crime films like DIRTY HARRY or THE GODFATHER, but which really address Italian issues like the Sicilian Mafia and red terrorism. Perhaps even more interesting than the films themselves were the rushed methods of production (stars...

莫雷尔的发明 10


  a surreal masterpiece!
  Very few movies are as good as the book that inspired them. This one might be somewhat different from the idea I had from the book -the color whiter, the image flatter, but it remains a sort of cinematographic UFO which leaves a long lasting imprint of the memory -after all, this long-lasting imprint is what the film is all about. It looks like a low budg...

为何我生于世 4


  A woman gives birth to a baby, but this is no ordinary one. The child is seemingly possessed by the Devil.

阵亡统计 9


  Body count is clearly very derivative of successful American slashers such as Friday the 13th, as it takes place in a backwater location and features a seemingly unstoppable madman murdering his way through a load of useless teenagers. However, Ruggero Deodato's film elevates itself above the barrage of rip-offs with some great scenes of slaughter and a fitting music score cour...

鬼门关2 9


太阳神的神庙 3


爱的遭遇 3


  Glenn and Carlo are in beautiful and exotic island of Bali where they work on writing a photo book. Glenn is in the grip of a mystical crisis, influenced by the magical rituals of the place, converted to Hinduism, attends a holy friend, Tillem and lives as a polygamist with two indigenous wives. Carlo is skeptical, he doesn't believe in anything, only in his work, even if he do...

Ilprigioniero 4
