"罗纳德·亚当" 共找到影视: 8 部
爱的问题 4


  Architect Dumas dies from a bullet of his own gun in front of his house. The police suspects his young Swedish wife Catherine and her English lover Tom Hastings. After numerous interrogations, in which they entangle themselves in contradictions, they try to flee, but are soon both caught and brought to trial, he in England, she in France. Only when Catherine keeps on proclaimin...

狂欢三人组 2


蛇蝎女人 9


TheSurgeon'sKnife 3


金鼓雷鸣 7


  During the British Raj, Captain Carruthers works under cover to track smuggled shipments of arms on the restless Northwest Frontier of India. He fears a full-scale rebellion is brewing. To forestall this, the British governor signs a treaty with the friendly, peace-loving ruler of Tokot, a key kingdom in the region, which is described as four days' march northward from Peshawar...

邪屋 8


  • 已完结
  • 1963  

  一群人应邀前往恭贺苏格兰的一幢百年鬼屋中亲身体验超自然的神秘力量。结果他们发现屋中的种种怪异状况并非因为鬼魂出现所致,而是跟屋主的历史和房子的环境有很大的关系。本片在一个封闭的空间中拍出紧凑逼人的恐怖气氛,完全不依赖血腥或搞鬼镜头而令人捏一把冷汗,功力过人,两位女主角的 演出亦特别精彩,堪称低成本灵异电影中的代表作。
  1999年的《猛鬼屋》是1959年电影《house on haunted hill》的翻拍版,之前的信息有误,希望大家移步另一页面。

梵高传 5


  在立志成为画家之前,梵高(柯克·道格拉斯 Kirk Douglas 饰)曾经是画廊里颇有前途的售画员,经过几次情感失败之后,他开始尝试成为一名画家。梵高悲天悯人的性格让他能与贫穷矿工们和谐相处,用画笔描绘他们的悲惨生活。他的画奔放热情、情感肆意,但却得不到主流画坛的欣赏。梵高邀请当时正崛起的印象派画家高更(安东尼·奎恩 Anthony Quinn 饰)一同去法国南方作画。多年来,弟弟提奥一直在经济上支持梵高,甚至为他资助高更去南方的所有费用。刚开始两人其乐融融,一起创作了很多高水准的作品,但因两人的个性互不相容,逐渐产生激烈争吵。高更试图离开,梵高为此精神受打击,试图持刀威胁高更,高更仓皇而逃,梵高最终自残割下了自己的耳朵。孤独、贫困的梵高受精神病所折磨,几度进入病院疗养。而他始终没有停止绘画,一直在等待大众的赏识,最终精神崩毁,开枪结束了生命。