"罗贝托·安度" 共找到影视: 10 部
你知我几何 6


  Until the 1970s, Italian cinema dominated the international scene, even competing with Hollywood. Then, in just a few years, came its rapid decline, the flight of our greatest producers, a crisis among the best writer-directors, the collapse of production. But what are the true causes and circumstances of this decline In an attempt to provide an answer to this question, Di Me ...

公民罗西 4


妙事无穷 7


  During a trip to Sicily in 1920, Luigi Pirandello meets Onofrio Principato and Sebastiano Vella, two actors rehearsing a new show with the actors of their amateur dramatics. This meeting brings great surprises.

教师公寓里的孩子 6


  A piano teacher living in a working class area allows a 10 year old boy to hide from his family in the teacher's apartment.

无名故事 10


  • 已完结
  • 2018  


忏悔录 1


  • 已完结
  • 2016  

  The story revolves around a G8 meeting, held at a luxury hotel on the German coast, where the world’s most powerful economists are gathered to enact important provisions that will deeply influence the world economy.
  One of the guests is a mysterious Italian monk (Servillo), invited by Daniel Rochè (Auteuil), the director of the International Monetary Fund. He wants the monk to ...

神秘旅行 5


  受到陽光眷顧的西西里小島,紫羅蘭正靜悄綻放,男人踏上久違的家鄉,尋找兒時生長的那幢大房子。這裡曾是他和妹妹渡過漫長幼時記憶的秘密花園,卻因某次突發事變而讓家人從此分道揚鑣。 在此滯留的 記憶,訴說一段壓抑又潮濕的深刻愛戀,挾帶龐大的力量和禁忌情感,在瀰漫慵懶情愁又暗藏隱情的小島燃燒竄流。探訪途中,男人遇上一名風情萬種的西西里島女人和才華洋溢的藝術家,他們一同拼湊、蒐集零散的舊事,一點一滴重建、還原,卻發現在情慾橫陳的糖衣底下,真相早就安排好靜候在眾人面前 。 這趟旅行彷彿回到命運的出發點,帶領男人面對不堪回首的往事,一步步抽絲剝繭找回生命的曙光

窃欲无罪 10


  丹尼尔(丹尼尔·奥图 Daniel Auteuil 饰)是一名畅销书作家,他以笔名创作,没有一个读者知道他隐匿在笔名之后的真实身份。,丹尼尔的儿子即将结婚,婚礼将在意大利卡布里岛举行,在那里,丹尼尔结识了美艳的女子米拉(安娜·莫格拉莉丝 Anna Mouglalis 饰),在后者的不断诱惑下,丹尼尔忘却了身为人夫的责任和道德,两人一夜温存。

王子的手稿 8
