"肖娜·麦克唐纳" 共找到影视: 11 部
漂流的记忆 8


  A young woman finds herself onto a desolate beach and tries to find out the how and why of her immediate life. Along with a lost memory, to further complicate her situation a man who she discovers washed up on the same beach attacks her. Fighting to stay alive she goes on the run from the stranger and desperately tries to piece her memory back together. Criss-crossing through t...

MoonDogs 10


白室 3


  The United Kingdom. Soon. Civil war rages. A woman wakes up in a blindingly white cuboid cell. Using its sophisticated functionality, her captor tortures her for information; information she claims not to have - or does she

黑暗侵袭2 10


  • 已完结
  • 2009  

  美国阿巴拉契亚山脉的查图嘎国家公园岩洞群,朱诺(Natalie Jackson Mendoza 饰)、莎拉(Shauna Macdonald 饰)一行六人在此经历了一生中最恐怖的时刻,最终只有莎拉一人侥幸逃生。在此之后,警方派出大批搜救人员进山寻找遇难者的尸体以及可能的幸存者,但是最终却一无所获。女警官萝丝(Krysten Cummings 饰)负责询问莎拉失踪事件的始末,但是莎拉对过往发生的事情没有任何记忆。为了寻找幸存者和事实真相,萝丝带着莎拉再次来到岩洞群,并在此与搜救人员凯西(Anna Skellern 饰)和格雷格(Joshua Dallas 饰)等碰头。他们从废弃的矿井口进入岩洞,不久便发现贝丝等人的尸体。搜救人员意识到这不是简单的失踪事件,与此同时危险正向他们悄悄逼近……

黑暗侵袭 1


  • 电影解说
  • 2005  

  莎拉(肖娜·麦克唐纳 饰)本来平静幸福的生活被一次车祸意外打破,丈夫和女儿在事故中丧生,她虽然活了下来却从此一蹶不振,为了让莎拉重新振作起来,她的五个女性朋友为她安排了一次探险旅行,地点是在一个丛林中荒僻而古老洞穴,茹诺(娜塔丽·杰克逊·门多萨 饰)是其中最有野外探险经验也是她选择来到这里。正当女孩们对山洞中景色惊叹不已时,却在不知不觉中惊扰了洞中另外一种生物,他们没有视觉,依靠声音的来源残忍的捕杀她们,女孩们为了自救团结起来,却在逃生中朋友间互生怀疑,为了生存下去,她们要如何在狭小黑暗的洞穴中找到出去的路呢?

暗夜鬼抓床 7



TheScottsSeason1 1


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  

  Scottish comedy shadowing a typical family and their chaotic life. They say blood is thicker than water- and no-one is thicker than The Scotts.

Longing 10


  A business mogul runs into his old small town girlfriend while she is visiting the big city only to find out that they had a child together that he was unaware of. Based on an Israeli award winning movie.
  An English language adaptation of "Ga'agua", an affecting multi-award winning dramedy from writer director Savi Gabizon. Daniel, a wealthy bachelor in his 60s, discovers his C...

春色漾荡 8


  When an encounter with the swinging scene has an unexpected impact on David's impotence, Alice thinks she might have found the solution to all their problems, but the poly-amorous world is a difficult place for a love story to flourish.

爱情天文学 1


  • 已完结
  • 2016  

  艾美(欧嘉·柯瑞兰寇 Olga Kurylenko 饰)是一名天文学博士生,过往的伤痛经历让她成为了一名兼职替身演员,只有身处于千钧一发的危险境地,艾美内心的痛苦才有可能稍稍淡化。这样一个伤痕累累的女人,遇见了名为艾德(杰瑞米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons 饰)的天文学教授,趣味相投的两人相互吸引着,很快便走到了一起打得火热。