"若昂·尼科罗" 共找到影视: 8 部
Rapace 5


  After finishing his MA in Anthropology, Hugo spends his days giving his brain a rest from the endless reading of texts by unknown authors. His only company is Luisa, the cleaning lady, with whom he plays cat and mouse. The quiet dilettantism of our protagonist is shaken by Catarina. Hugo is hooked and wavers. High above, a kestrel falcon hovers. It's not the only bird of prey t...

ODomdasLagrimas 4


爱与健康之歌 3


  Joo est le seul employé visible dans la serrurerie Clefs Morais. Il est aussi le fils du propriétaire et il se permet de s'absenter du service pour ausculter le souffle immatériel de son coeur en dépensant pièce après pièce dans la Machine de L'Amour. Marta do Monte est une étudiante des Beaux-Arts porteuse d'une inhabituelle commande. La clef que Joo copie pour elle ouvre pl...

剑与玫瑰 1


  Manuel bids farewell to his routine and boards a 15th century vessel under pirate law. Treason on board triggers a series of terrible events our protagonist overcomes while keeping his moral principles intact.

你值得什么 6


大佬爱重装 1

