"西诺埃尔" 共找到影视: 8 部
塔拉斯孔的塔尔塔兰 7


Lachansond'unenuit 4


最后的亿万富豪 1


  On the verge of revolution, the bankrupt kingdom of Casinaria begs the richest man in the world to pay a visit and offer financial advice. Upon his arrival our hero is accidentally hit on the head and he later awakens as a babbling imbecile.

Nuitsdefeu 7


Farinetoul'ordanslamontagne 4


  Maurice Farinet, a young Swiss peasant, has found a gold deposit in the mountains and starts producing counterfeit money. He is arrested but manages to escape. The village people are on his side and shelter him. Arrested a second time, he runs away once again and is hidden and protected by Joséphine, the waitress of the inn, who is in love with him. But Farinet puts the mayor i...

Turandot,princessedeChine 6


拖船 4


  对于Cyclone号拖船的船长André Laurent (Jean Gabin) 以及一众船员而言,生活被海上的疾风暴雨与岸上的温暖家庭一分为二。某次惊险的出海,André拯救了魅惑的Catherine ( Michèle Morgan) 并为之倾倒。他无法自拔地远离了温柔却焦虑过度的十年发妻Yvonne (Madeleine Renaud) 。雅克·普莱维尔的编剧营造了出色氛围。本片对海上暴风雨的特技表现堪称四十年代的先驱。