"詹姆斯·鲍德温" 共找到影视: 12 部
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  On the trail of the civil rights movement: with typical astuteness and charisma, James Baldwin returns to key locations of protest in the American South and sees old injustices repeated in new legal frameworks.

詹姆斯·鲍德温:来自另一个地方 1


向苍天呼吁 2


  A story of violence and desire, of tenderness and compassion, so gripping and moving, which lays bare the trials and sufferings, the yearnings and aspirations of three generations of an African American family. The journey of a family from the rural South to "big city" Harlem seeking both salvation and understanding and of a young boy struggling to earn the approval of a self-r...

公众演讲 7


  这部纪录片讲述的是弗兰·勒波维茨(Fran Lebowitz)的生平经历与思想。弗兰是著名美国作家,以发表辛辣讽刺的社会评论而闻名,早在2007年9月,她就出现在《名利场》杂志的国际最佳着装名人榜中。

MeetingtheMan:JamesBaldwininParis 4


  This rare film document of one of the towering figures of 20th-century American literature—photographed by Jack Hazan (Rude Boy, A Bigger Splash)—captures the iconic writer in several symbolic locations, including the Place de la Bastille. As Hazan recounts: “Things don’t go to plan for him and the film crew when a couple of young Black Vietnam draft dodgers impose themselves o...

市民简·雅各布斯:城市规划之战 6


  In 1960 Jane Jacobs’s book The Death and Life of Great American Cities sent shockwaves through the architecture and planning worlds, with its exploration of the consequences of modern planners’ and architects’ reconfiguration of cities. Jacobs was also an activist, who was involved in many fights in mid-century New York, to stop “master builder” Robert Moses from running roughs...

我不是你的黑鬼 8



发生什么了,西蒙妮小姐? 1


  Netflix出品的纪录片,相信很多人喜欢女歌手Nina Sinmone,就像【爱在日落余晖时】里朱莉·德尔佩模仿的那种唱腔和标志性的舞台动作,她是一位优秀的爵士女伶,她还是一位人权斗士。

纽约书评:争鸣五十年 3


  A documentary on the history and influence of the New York Review of Books.

拿起这把锤子 6


  On a 1963 visit to black sections of San Francisco ,talking to angry youth, James Baldwin demolishes the city's image as cosmopolitan and sophisticated and argues that the place is as segregated and as racist, deep down, as Birmingham.

假如比尔街可以作证 4


  《月光男孩》导演巴里·杰金斯日前敲定新片,他将把知名作家詹姆斯·鲍德温的小说《假若比尔街能够讲话》(If Beale Street Could Talk)搬上大银幕,故事设定于上世纪70年代的纽约哈林区,主角是一对刚订婚的年轻情侣芬尼(Fonny)和蒂什(Tish)。芬尼被诬告强奸,而身怀六甲的蒂什将四处奔走寻找证据证明丈夫的清白。梅根·埃里森创立的安纳普尔纳将投资本片,也将和《月光男孩》制片公司Plan B、杰金斯本人的Pastel工作室一同制作本片,10月开拍。