"让·奥雷尔" 共找到影视: 16 部
特吕弗:遗失的肖像 9


  Twenty-six people - including two daughters, an ex-wife, his last lover, actors, fellow directors and writers, a neighbor, and boyhood friends - talk about Franois Truffaut. They discuss his attitudes toward wealth, his early writings about cinema, the undercurrent of violence in his films and his personality, the way he used and altered events in his life when making films, h...

Délitdefuite 8


Chéri,fais-moipeur 5


亚丁郊区 2


Letriporteur 9



拉米埃尔 8


若姊若妹 4


  Rosine and her mother Marie have been living together as friends for 14 years. 14: that's how old Marie was when she had Rosine. 14: that's how old Rosine is when Pierre, her father, returns. Pierre now wants to make up for lost time, to catch up with Marie, and to capture Rosine (with his incestuous intention). But Rosine and Marie are like one person, you cannot separate them...

美丽曼波 9


巴黎妇人 8


女人群像 10


  Les Femmes是一部1969年的性喜剧电影,由碧姬·芭铎(Brigitte Bardot)和莫里斯·罗内(Maurice Ronet)主演,由吉恩·奥雷尔(Jean Aurel)共同撰写和执导。

情杀案中案 3


  • 已完结
  • 1983  

  朱利安(让-路易·特兰蒂尼昂 Jean-Louis Trintignant 饰)是一名成功的地产商,拥有着人人艳慕的美满生活。然而,好友克劳德的死却将朱利安拖入了万丈深渊之中,霎时间,他成为了警方怀疑的对象。更糟的是,朱利安的妻子玛丽安(卡罗利娜·西奥尔 Caroline Sihol 饰)的妻子也死了,不仅如此,玛丽安被查出在生前一直同克劳德维系着情人的关系,这简直成为了朱利安就是凶手的铁证,警方很快就发出了通缉令。
  在女秘书芭芭拉(芬妮·阿尔丹 Fanny Ardant 饰)的帮助之下,无处可逃的朱利安找到了藏身之所。为了替朱利安洗清身上的不白之冤,芭芭拉孤身一人展开了对事件的调查。在此过程中,朱利安和芭芭拉这一对欢喜冤家碰撞出了爱情的火花。

丁香门 8


  Juju, a drunken oaf who feels the need of being important to someone---anyone---and his friend, an artist, are forced at gunpoint to care for a fugitive, Peirre Barbier, in Juju's broken-down home. The urge for being needed is such in Juju that he gives up drinking and takes care of Pierre, even after he learns that Pierre has been making love to Maria, the girl Juju loves. Pla...