"贝尔塔·德鲁兹" 共找到影视: 6 部
UnserHausinKamerun 4


监狱里的女孩 10


禁片:纳粹电影的隐秘遗存 1


  The Nazi regime produced over 1,200 feature films, mostly political propaganda, a handful of which were crafted specifically to engender anti-Semitism among the masses. Of these hideous artifacts, 40 remain banned from public viewing to this day for their incendiary content. In Forbidden Films, director Felix Moeller brings us into the vaulted, explosive-resistant compound wher...

光天化日之下 3


  • 已完结
  • 1958  

  Several young girls were killed. Policeman Matthaei travels to the region where it happened and searches a child that looks similar to the ones that were murdered. He finds one and stays with her and her mother, not telling them that he is waiting for the killer to start his bloody work one more time ...

铁皮鼓 9


  奥斯卡(大卫·本奈特 David Bennent 饰)的家庭有些荒诞。他的母亲和自己的表弟相恋,由于近亲不能结婚,所以被迫嫁给了一位商人。奥斯卡是谁的孩子只有他母亲知道。在他三岁生日那天,母亲送了他一面铁皮鼓。奥斯卡十分喜欢,整天挂在脖子上敲。
  一天,奥斯卡躲到桌子底 下玩的时候发现了母亲与舅舅的秘密,他认为成人世界充满了欺骗,于是决定不再长大。当奥斯卡从楼上跳下时,奇迹发生了,他从此不再长高,身高永远只有三岁的水平!