"赫尔克·桑德" 共找到影视: 27 部
兽母,人母 10


  Der Dokumentarfilm von Helke Sander behauptet: Man wird nicht als Mutter geboren, man wird es. Eine These, die mit Humor aufgestellt wird. Verschmitzt behauptet die Autorin als Lucy, unsere afrikanische Vorfahrin, dass die ersten Menschen Mütter waren. In der primitiven Horde war die Mutter mit Kind gehandikapt, wenn sie in die Bume stieg und Nahrung suchte. Deshalb baute sie ...

男潮中流 10


主观性 6


  "Subjektitüde" is one of Sander's early short films shot in the mid-late 1960's. Her social-critic, feminist standpoint can already be seen here, and the film also holds up well today with its nihilistic, not-compromising, lyrical approach, reflecting the mentality of the youth of that era.

Dazlak 2


伊莲娜的奖金 5


主观因素 7


  《主观因素》是一部很个人的影片,德国著名女导演海科·桑德根据自己的亲身经历,以混合了故事片和纪录片的形式,向我们展示了东德二十世纪六十年代末(1967 -1970)的政治背景、社会状况和重要政治事件。
  所有这一切都是透过片中女主角、一个年轻的单身母亲的主观视角观察的: 在她积极参与德国妇女解放运动的过程中,她亲历妇女解放的努力以及当时社会中的其它政治运动,设法解决社会中的问题,同时又有新的问题产生。女主角的主观世界不断地接收、认识和理解社会中所发生的一切,思想也随之慢慢改变。

爱是一切恐惧的源头 2


  How can a woman love a man without denying herself Can two women love the same man without tearing each other apart Can a man love two women without lying What dilemmas will families and friends of the parties involved have to endure To this day these are recurring and often painfull questions.

汉娜洛荷·马布莉 4


  Hannelore Mabry, ein portrt: Film clips of interviews, both old and new, of women's rights activist, sociologist, actress and critic of the church, Hannelore Mabry.

格雷戈尔夫妇-跟我来电影院吧 4



青春舞曲 6


  At the end of the 1960s the post-war generation began to revolt against their parents. This was a generation disillusioned by anti-communist capitalism and a state apparatus in which they believed they saw fascist tendencies. This generation included journalist Ulrike Meinhof, lawyer Horst Mahler, filmmaker Holger Meins as well as students Gudrun Ensslin and Andreas Baader.

DieMeisenvonFrauS. 10


KindersindkeineRinder 6
