"路易斯·乔丹" 共找到影视: 54 部
夺魄惊心 1


  • 最新更新
  • 1970  

比利·怀尔德 4


魔镜惊魂 8


GrandLarceny 10


不小的恶习 6


  Perry Ashwell is a self-satisfied child psychologist who takes his colleagues and wife somewhat for granted. So confident is he of his position that he introduces rich attractive painter Octavio Quaglini to his office and home. Quaglini is no respecter of convention, and April Ashwell is extremely attractive.

幸福喜剧 8


银熊 8


  Financial wizard "Doc" Fletcher acquires a Swiss bank and a silver mine - alleged to be worth a billion dollars. As rivals close in from all sides, Doc must fight a complex struggle to keep hold of both the bank and the mine.

俏佳人大闹逍遥宫 9


  A Frenchwoman (Rosemary Harris), suspecting her lawyer husband (Rex Harrison) of having an affair, plots to catch him in the act.

模特特派员 1


勇闯鬼门关 5


  A man witnesses a murder in a secluded mansion. When he reports it, there's no evidence of the murder, or that anyone was there. He finds a key on the floor and goes to his boss to get help when he's struck from behind. He wakes up in a hospital room after a polo accident to find he's had amnesia for two years, is now married, and living in Switzerland. He still has the key and...

Lecorsaire 7


Paradeen7nuits 1


FélicieNanteuil 3


  d'après le roman Histoire comique d'Anatole France
  Félicie Nanteuil est une jeune fille qui vit avec sa mère et se produit parfois sur scène. Un modeste comédien de province, Aimé Cavalier, pressent en elle une grande actrice et la prend sous son aile. Il lui apprend la manière de jouer les grands personnages classiques et la présente à Pradel qui dirige un théatre. Félicie dev...

花堤书店的姑娘们 9


  An old secondhand bookseller ,on the banks of the Seine ,on the "Quai Aux Fleurs", has got four gorgeous daughters;several young men hover round them.Unfortunately for Rosine ,she is in love with her sister's fiance and she feels suicidal.A good doctor comes to her rescue.Then begins a story made of small romances ,sometimes verging on tragic ;you can sum up the story like this...