"迈克尔·伍兹" 共找到影视: 10 部
莎拉夜惊魂 6


  As a child, Sarah witnesses her wealthy mother's *******. Later, as a young bride, she is haunted by her mother's voice and other strange manifestations. Is it her imagination, someone playing tricks on her, or her dead mother's spirit

CapitalNews 5


DoubleEdge 4


危险女人香 2


  Young and good looking Katya, a window dresser for a big department store in Pittsburgh, begins a love story with a journalist, Mac Odell. She is however stalked by Jack, a married man who has a fixation with her. Jack makes Katya’s life hellish and when the girl tells his wife about him he becomes wild with fury having been exposed and goes to the store to kill her.

天魔4:天魔苏醒 2



特警屠龙 8


  • 已完结
  • 1988  

  老王(任达华 饰)、雪玲(郑裕玲 饰)、龙哥(梁家仁 饰)和达叔(吴孟达 饰)等人均是缉毒警察,他们并肩作战,同甘共苦,彼此之间结下了深厚的情谊。某日,他们端掉了一个毒窝,却让毒贩头子给逃走了,之后,毒贩头子杀了龙哥,其余人发誓要找到毒贩头子,给龙哥报仇。
  某日,阿友(张学友 饰)意外发现了达叔和毒贩同流合污,并拍下了录像作为证据。阿友将此事告诉了信任的阿丹(甄子丹 饰)和老王,谁知道老王和达叔是一伙的,为了消抹证据,老王杀死了阿丹,栽赃给阿友。阿友的女友阿美(温碧霞 饰)发现了那盘致命的录像带,为了救阿友,阿美亦死在了老王手上,却也使隐藏颇深的老王露出了马脚。

你不能带我女儿 7


  A young woman who fought to keep her rapist from gaining custody of her daughter.

误入歧途 2


  When 17-year-old Traci is lured into believing one of her friends was sexually assaulted by a teacher, she makes the mistake of lying to support the girl's story and is consumed with guilt when the teacher then commits *******. But this is just the beginning. Caught up in a web of deceit, Traci befriends and confides in a female teacher that's more connected to the scam than Tr...

女人曾经的秘密 8


  After witnessing a horrible crime, a woman changes her identity and moves across the country. After establishing her new life, she starts to receive ominous communication from a person that knows her secret.
  Ten years ago, Kate Collins was a different person. Literally. She was living in Chicago, working as a bartender, and going by her real name ‘Stephanie Wickers.’ That all c...