"迈克尔·霍斯" 共找到影视: 11 部
借刀杀人计中计 10


  A documentary filmmaker, who has spent the last 15 years making films like "Aluminum: Our Shiny Friend," is finally given the chance to make the documentary on Indian farming he has always wanted to. The catch He must simultaneously direct a porn film. But as he tries to make the porn film, which he turns into a musical called "Halloween in the Barracks," he must deal with a t...

双峰第三季 8


  • 已完结
  • 2017  

IKnowCatherine,TheLogLady 7


绝命武器 5


小马王 3


  • 已完结
  • 2002  


巡弋悍将 10


  • 已完结
  • 1992  

  安保专家卡特(韦斯利斯奈普斯 Wesley Snipes 饰)在阻止一次超市抢劫案时,因为处理失误导致妻子身亡,自感愧疚的卡特状态低沉。好友试图帮助他重新振作,推荐卡特担任航空公司安保教师一职,卡特乘坐航班前往洛杉矶公干。在同一班客机上,著名恐怖分子查尔斯雷恩(布鲁斯·佩恩 Bruce Payne 饰)也在FBI的押解下前往加州受审。穷凶极恶的雷恩早已在空乘人员内部安插了自己的手下,一班匪徒在飞机起飞不久即控制了飞机,孤立无援的卡特放掉了燃油迫使飞机降落在一处小型机场,当地警方在FBI到来前试图控制局势,卡特反被他们误认为是恐怖分子一伙,他如何凭借一己之力力挽狂澜,拯救机上百多人的生命?

美国编年史 6


  • 正片

  American Chronicles is a documentary television program which was broadcast by Fox Broadcasting Company as part of its 1990 fall lineup.

牛仔与法国人 8


  Little seen short film by David Lynch is set on a ranch in the turn-of-the-20th Century Wild West, USA is a collision of cultures where a grizzled, hard-of-hearing cowboy, Silm, and his two friends, Dusty and Pete, capture a mysterous, well-dressed Frenchman. Unable to understand each other, the fast-talking, slang-speaking cowboys and the non-English speaking Frenchman make th...

双峰:遗失的碎片 1


  • 已完结
  • 2014  

  Twin Peaks before Twin Peaks (1990) and at the same time not always and entirely in the same place as Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992). A feature film which presents deleted scenes from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992) assembled together for the first time in an untold portion of the story's prequel.

双峰:与火同行 10


  • 已完结
  • 1992  

  《双峰》电视剧 前篇,强烈建议先观看二季电视剧。
  Laura在双峰镇上是高中里的优秀学生。夜里她会变成一个可卡因瘾君子和性狂乱者,她去色情酒吧卖淫以换取买毒品的钱。她的父亲Leland加速了她的毁灭,在Laura小时候父亲就变身为Bob骚扰她。但当Laura意识到自己正在把最好的朋友Donna引向同一条不平的道路时,良 心受到冲击。Laura去参加一个在废弃的火车车箱内的性乱聚会时Leland跟踪在后。Leland为强烈的占有欲所驱使,最终给Laura和她的朋友带来了悲剧性的结果。