"迈克尔·马耳他" 共找到影视: 118 部
飞行大竞赛 8


  • 已更新至17集
  • 1969  

  OK, let me see if I've got this straight...
  It's World War I, and retired Wacky Racers Dick Dastardly and Muttley the dog have got together with a couple of eccentric aviators, Klunk and Zilly, to form Vulture Squadron. Zilly is a devout coward whose catchphrase is "oh-h-h de-e-ear", and who frequently tries to hide by ducking his head inside his roll-neck sweater like a human ...

ToHareIsHuman 5


AWitch'sTangledHare 4


HorseHare 8


PersontoBunny 10


ChowHound 7


  A mean, greedy, glutton of a bulldog uses two unwilling parties - a frightened cat and a mouse to help him grab dinner from various residences. The scheme: Using the cat to pose as the pet for the residents; the mouse is used in one scheme while the cat poses as a sabertoothed-alley cat at a local zoo in another. The cat is instructed to gather juicy steaks and then surrender t...

CrazyCruise 10


  A travelogue, stopping in a southern tobacco plantation, the Swiss Alps, Egypt, Central Europe, Africa, and others, long enough for one joke per location. Bugs Bunny makes only a cameo appearance at the end.

LumberJack-Rabbit 7


RabbitRampage 4


  Bugs argues with the cartoonist who creates him over how he should be drawn.

BoyhoodDaze 10


  Young Ralph Phillips is scolded for breaking a window and sent to his room, where he lets his imagination run riot and fantasizes he is in prison, next that he is in Africa, and then that he is a space ace pilot who single-handedly thwarts a Martian invasion.

HareTrigger 7


  Yosemite Sam means to hold up the Superchief and Bugs is out to stop him.

兔子狂想曲 3


  金碧辉煌、庄严华丽的演奏大厅,舞台的正中央放置着一架钢琴。伴随着观众热烈的掌声,高傲自若的钢琴家兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)缓缓走上台来,他有条不紊地整理妆容,随后安然坐在钢琴凳上。正当他准备演奏时,台下传来一阵不合时宜的咳嗽声,兔八哥满脸厌恶地盯着对方,当他准备再度演奏时,咳嗽声却跟着响起。我们伟大的音乐家忍无可忍,掏出手枪干掉了捣乱者。钢琴独奏正式开始,兔八哥正经泰然,他时而吃胡萝卜,时而打电话,同时确保了演出的正常进行。谁知演奏途中,一只住在钢琴里的小老鼠突然出现,小家伙想方设法要给兔八哥捣乱。

StageDoorCartoon 6


  这是一个秋高气爽的季节,全副武装的埃尔默(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)蹑手蹑脚来到森林,他根本不打算钓鱼,而是想抓住那只狡猾的兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)。自诩聪明的埃尔默将胡萝卜挂在钓鱼钩上,然后将鱼线甩入兔子洞。谁知偷鸡不成蚀把米,胡萝卜被兔八哥吃掉,倒霉的埃尔默还被狠狠地耍了一番。他恼羞成怒,提着猎枪追赶兔八哥,而兔八哥则一路跑到城里某个剧场内。此时剧场里正进行一场精彩的演出,为形势所迫,兔八哥被迫跑上了舞台,在躲避埃尔默枪口的同时,还要想办法将演出顺利进行下去。

TheHare-BrainedHypnotist 6


  This time Elmer Fudd goes after Bugs using hypnotism, only the plan backfires.