"阿兰·泰纳" 共找到影视: 21 部
码头工人 1


  After 40 years Alain Tanner again travels to the port of Genoa, where he worked for a shipping company as a 22-year-old. On the back of his own memories he depicts the rough world of the dockworkers, another of those trades that has undergone fundamental changes as a result of recessions, modernisation and liberalisation. “The visual impression of the harbour and the city has c...

昌迪加尔的一座城 7


内心的火焰 4


无人之处 1


  ''No Man's Land'' was shown as part of the 1985 New York Film Festival. Following are excerpts from Vincent Canby's review, which appeared in The New York Times Oct. 5, 1985. The film opens today at the Public Theater, 425 Lafayette Street.
  EACH of the four principal characters in Alain Tanner's ''No Man's Land'' wants to be someplace else.
  Madeleine, who runs a disco on the Fr...

血之花 2


  Pam, a 14-year-old girl/woman has just killed her lover, a man much older than herself. This event sends us spinning back five years into the past. Pam, 9, is her mother’s dresser, protector and gentle accomplice. She accompanies Lily as she travels from cabaret to cabaret, performing her own special number that transforms the erotic floorshow into a veritable art form, both ma...

美好时代 7


来自玫瑰山的女人 2


  After moving to Switzerland to be the mail-order bride of an uncouth middle-aged Swiss man, Julie (Marie Gaydu), who comes from an island in the Indian Ocean, discovers that she cannot bear the man. After she leaves him, she embarks on an affair with Jean (Jean-Philippe Escoffey), the son of a local brickworks owner, much to the distress of that man's father. For a while their ...

ATellingEye:TheWorkofJohnBerger 10


  The rarely-seen 1994 BBC TV documentary on the legacy and influence of John Berger, featuring interviews with Alain Tanner, Geoff Dyer, Jean Mohr, Ernst Neizvestny and many more.

Cinémamortouvif 6


Ramuz,passaged'unpoète 1


M夫人的日记 2



夏尔之存亡 3


  ◎ 简  介:
  瑞士导演Alain Tanner的第一部故事片。1968年,导演曾目睹了5月的巴黎街头景象。他对那些年轻示威者不很感兴趣,但却被那些游行队伍中的年长者所打动。所以他拍摄了这部电影,讲述了一个从资产阶级舒适生活中退出的老头子的故事。影片带有鲜明的1960年代色彩。
  故事的主角 Charles 是一个50岁的商人,他继承了家族产业,成为公司老板。在公司的百年大庆上,他似乎一点都高兴不起来,反而看上去一脸沮丧。原来此人与一般资本家不同,他对劳动阶层抱有同情心,此时他担心起工厂里的工人来。

在白色的城市里 1


  1983柏林电影节提名金熊奖 1984年法国恺撒奖最佳法语外国片

收获月 8


  Two Swiss girls around twenty, one a history student and the other a store clerk, meet while hitch-hiking. Out of a whim and with nothing better to do, they decide to go on hitch-hiking together around Switzerland as long as they feel like it. After a couple of days, their money is spent in restaurants and cheap hotels, so they continue their tour by sleeping in cattle sheds an...