"阿拉斯泰尔·加尔布赖斯" 共找到影视: 5 部
Shockers 10


  • 已更新至6集
  • 1999  

  An anthology series of horror stories written by contemporary British screenwriters.

惠镇珀尔侦探社第一季 6


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2021  

飓风行动 8


  • 已完结
  • 2018  

  梅尔·吉布森之子米洛·吉布森自在《血战钢锯岭》里献出表演首秀之后,再次加盟二战题材新片《飓风》,出演飞行员约翰尼·肯特。肯特是一名加拿大空军上尉,他在不列颠之战(第二次世界大战期间纳粹德国对英国发动的大规模空战,亦是第二次世界大战中规模最大的空战)中领导一支编号为303的霍克飓风战斗机飞行中队,为抵抗纳粹入侵而奋战,肯特一人击落了13架敌机,并在1935-1956期间服役于英国皇家空军, 被认为是最出色的年轻皇家空军中队长。大卫·布莱尔(《伯特与迪奇》《完美计划》)将执导此片,斯蒂芬妮·马蒂尼和《权力的游戏》男星伊万·瑞恩有望担任制片,计划九月英国开拍。

污秽战争 10


  After years of meticulous planning, a terrorist operation is reaching its final stages. The authorities have received no intelligence; they are in a race against time but don't yet know it. As the operation unfolds, we see the working lives of men and women directly affected by terrorism. Among them: a firemen worried about the increasingly dangerous conditions he and his men a...