"阿比纳什·维克拉姆·沙阿" 共找到影视: 5 部
母亲的悲伤摇篮曲 5


  A mother sings lullabies to her 12-year-old daughter in order to calm her down. But, when the lullabies end, and the daughter comes to her senses, the reality turns out to be much grimmer, and life-altering.

ElephantsInTheFog 3


寻找黑母鸡 5


  • 已完结
  • 2015  

  2001年,临时停火给饱受战争蹂躏的尼泊尔北部的一个小村庄带来了急需的突破,给当地居民带来了欢乐。普拉卡什和卡兰这两位年轻的密友也开始感受到空气中的变化。尽管他们被种姓和社会信条所划分,但他们仍然形影不离,并开始饲养一只母鸡,由普拉卡什的妹妹送给她,希望通过卖鸡蛋来省钱 。然而,母鸡却不见了。为了找到它,他们开始了一段旅程,天真地不知道脆弱的停火带来的暴政。

我是开心 7


  Vashna is a woman who lives to make others happy; their happiness is hers. Aakash is an aimless wanderer, with no ambitions other than to live happily in the moment. When the two disparate souls meet, both are forced to rethink the meaning of happiness.