"陈彦壮" 共找到影视: 5 部
疫情的士佬 3



洛西.布拉西 8


  On the last day of shooting, the production crew should be wrapping up. Instead, the director is under pressure by a willful, opinionated cast while the producer's solution sets off butterfly effects. When the film's ending threatens to deviate too far from the original script, will the director, faced with the possible ruin of his dreams, finally mount a counterattack

编剧头很痛 5


  • 已完结
  • 2019  

  由2019 台北电影奖最佳男配角大鹤所饰演的新手编剧,为了 圆梦北漂到台北打拚,满怀理想的他,原是王家卫的信徒,奈何敌不过现实的摧残,在制作人宛如鬼来电的声声催促中,他的剧本在半小时内,被迫从《花样年华》修改成台语八点档!
  本土剧美魔女丁国琳、嘻哈王子李英宏、新生代气质女星江沂 宸,以剧中剧的方式,不计形象爆笑演出。紧凑又诙谐的剧情, 让人笑着笑着竟流出泪来,真实反映台湾影视产业的现况及底层劳动的辛酸。