"露西·沃克" 共找到影视: 15 部
登山女王:拉克巴·夏尔巴的巅峰 8


  The first Nepali woman to summit and descend Mount Everest — now a single mom working at a Connecticut Whole Foods — heads back to Everest to make a better life for her two daughters.

OfNightandLight:TheStoryofIbogaandIbogaine 9


如何改变你的心智 7


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2022  


海啸与樱花 3



数到零 8



带上你的队伍 8


  A character-driven vérité and revelatory investigation takes us on a journey embedded with firefighters and residents on a mission to understand the causes of historically large wildfires and how to survive them, discovering that the solution has been here all along.

乐士浮生录:再会 10


  一群传奇老乐手,孕育古巴音乐文化;一张经典唱片,掀起古巴音乐热潮。「好景俱乐部」发扬古巴传统音乐及延续「颂」乐,成为首支在美国白宫表演的古巴乐队,让好音乐跨越政治疆界。好景俱乐部曾是黑人劳工的社交场所,乐手自由地唱自成一格的歌。1996年「好景俱乐部」乐队诞生,同名大碟赢得「格林美最佳拉丁音乐奖」。1999年,德国导演云温达斯 Wim Wenders的奥斯卡提名音乐纪录片《乐满夏湾拿》更将古巴音乐推上国际舞台。「好景俱乐部」标志着古巴灿烂辉煌的历史,本片记录乐队的音乐故事及古巴音乐历史,让观众重燃窜动的拉丁音乐灵魂。

CrookedLines 8


  Ailson Eraclito Da Silva is the best rower in Brazilian history, the Michael Phelps of his sport. Growing up in a leper colony on the banks of the Amazon river, he's constantly discriminated against. But his dream to win Gold for Brazil at the Olympics is within his grasp. He's got the talent. But there's a twist, and this gets more interesting than any Olympics featurette. Bec...

TheRedPill 7


  采访了网站“男性之声”(A Voice For Man)创办者Paul Elam,及其它主张“男性权利运动”( men's rights movement)的主要参与者(包括男性和女性),关于性别问题的意见,和对feminism的批评;做为平衡,纪录片中同时展现了一些feminists的回应。

Interspecies 4


  Humans demonstrate and passionately argue that plants have as much by way of brainpower as they do beauty. And what if they were actually communicating with us And if they were, what do they have to tell us

TheReinofMaryKing 7


  Equestrian Mary King has been on a winning streak since she was 13. Substituting an injured friend in the arena, she mounted a horse she'd never ridden before. Naively, she asked if she should try to win. When the answer came back yes, she did just that: she won. In almost forty years since that day, she's said goodbye to a beloved equine companion who fell in action, found a b...

SecretsoftheMongolianArchers 2


  It is said that from age 8 through 80, everybody in Mongolia shoots. Archery is in their blood, the legacy of Genghis Khan who conquered half the world with bows and arrows. This is the story of Mongolia's Olympic archers, the artisans who make their tools, and the Buddhist calm that helps them stay on target. Filmed against the stunning backdrop of a Mongolian winter.

狮子张开了嘴 4


  A documentary on young actress, Marianna Palka, as she confronts her risk of Huntington's Disease.