"马克·史蒂芬斯" 共找到影视: 18 部
血海复仇 5


金枪霸王 7


Lalola,dicenquenovivesola 9


九月风暴 1


Esustedmipadre 4


天牢造反 3


  Michael Howland, a stern hanging judge, is assigned to take over a chaotic prison. There Michael imposes a strict regime of discipline on the inmates. He is similarly rigid and harsh with his own two children Tommie and Anne. However, his son Tommie Howland eventually ends up incarcerated in his father's prison.

神枪斗四虎 4


乐声春色 7


  In the early 1900s, song plugger Larry Kelly chances to meet Alfred Breitenbach, poor opera composer...and his lovely daughter Doris, who falls for Larry. To improve their acquaintance, Doris conspires with Larry to turn her father's opera melodies into popular songs. Alfred, reluctant but needing cash, adopts the pen name Fred Fisher. Affluence results, but when Alfred realize...

艳吻留香 6


请相信我 8


  Alison Kirbe is a young London girl who has just found out she has inherited a Texas ranch from an old soldier she had befriended during World War II. Mistakenly assuming she is now the owner of a small empire, she crosses the Atlantic Ocean by boat. On her way, she meets Terence Keath, a fellow passenger heavily in debt to casino owner Lucky Reilly. To pay off his debts, he at...

喋血九重山 2


DerFallX701 5


目标不明 9


  In 1944, an American bomber squadron is tense and discontented from too many missions over France. Luck runs out for Capt. Stevens and his crew; they must bail out and are promptly taken prisoner. Their wily German captors, sensing that they have valuable information unknown even to themselves, use every form of velvet-glove trickery to worm it out of them. Will Stevens discove...

无名街道 4


  接连发生的两起谋杀案让市民们陷入了恐慌之中,犯罪者干净利落的作案手段亦让警方没了头绪。警方好不容易找到了一个嫌疑人,哪知道这名嫌疑人在不久之后亦被杀害,案件彻底的陷入了迷雾之中。焦头烂额的布瑞格斯探长(劳伊德·诺兰 Lloyd Nolan 饰)找到了优秀的探员柯代尔(马克·史蒂文斯 Mark Stevens 饰),希望他能够成为终结这一连串噩梦的那个人。
  经过缜密的调查取证,柯代尔发现这一切和一个名为埃里克(理查德·威德马克 Richard Widmark 饰)的男子以及他领导的帮派有着不可分割的联系,于是他隐姓埋名潜伏在帮派内部,哪知道在警方中,亦有帮派的卧底存在。