"AJ·鲍恩" 共找到影视: 15 部
EdgeofInsanity 8


  Feeling guilty about her parents death and determined to live up to their expectations, Rylee will stop at nothing to become an actress, no matter what the cost.

不发光的太阳 1


邪恶之屋 6


  20世纪80年代,美丽的女大学生萨曼莎·休斯(乔塞琳·多纳休 Jocelin Donahue 饰)看上一间公寓,好心的女房东已经免去了麻烦的保证金,不过萨曼莎还是要为了每月的房租而努力。她从布告栏找到一份保姆的工作,当晚,萨曼莎的好友梅根(格蕾塔·葛韦格 Greta G erwig 饰)送她前往雇主家面试。梅根对这份工作颇有顾忌,而萨曼莎似乎急于赚钱,全不在意。
  雇主乌尔曼夫妇住在荒郊野外的一幢老式别墅中,这里没有小孩需要照看,文森特·乌尔曼先生(汤姆·诺南 Tom Noonan 饰)要为他生病的母亲找一位护理人员。萨曼莎起初惴惴不安,但看在钱的份上她最终选择留在这里。而她将为这个选择后悔莫及……

圣餐 8


  媒体从业人员帕特里克·卡特(肯塔克尔·德利 Kentucker Audley 饰)意外联系到了失踪许久的姐姐卡罗琳(艾米·西米茨 Amy Seimetz 饰)。卡罗琳当初曾在戒毒所治疗,如今住进了一个名为“圣伊甸园”的地方,并自称过上了乌托邦般的生活。为了弄清姐姐的下落,帕特里克和同事兼好友山姆·特纳(AJ·鲍恩 AJ Bowen 饰)、杰克·威廉姆斯(乔·斯万博格 Joe Swanberg 饰)启程前往圣伊甸园的所在地调查。这座乐园位于一个鲜为人知的隐秘所在,许许多多生活中经历痛苦和坎坷的人们,在“父亲”(吉恩·琼斯 Gene Jones 饰)的感召和抚慰下重获新生。

我制服了魔鬼 8


  Christmas is supposed to be a time for peace and joyful family reunions. But when Matt and his wife Karen show up unannounced at the home of his estranged brother Steve to celebrate the holidays, they are instead greeted with a horrifying surprise: trapped in the basement is a man. But not just any man. Steve believes that his hostage is none other than the devil himself.

亡命雪夜 1


  A caring mother loses her sanity, setting off a chain of events resulting in tragedy and murder. The story of Casey Pollack unfolds from two very different perspectives when one night in the woods culminates in absolute terror.

夜间驾驶 8


  A ride share driver's life is turned upside down after an unexpected series of misfortunes.

鬼作秀3 5


  • 已完结
  • 2006  

  爱丽丝(Stephanie Pettee 饰)得到了一个神奇的遥控器,可以令她在不同的时空间穿梭,但每穿梭一次,她的身体都会有一部分腐烂。
  保安员杰瑞(AJ·博温 AJ Bowen 饰)于无意之中得到了一台收音机,这台收音机能够预测他人的行为,没想到却带给了杰瑞灭顶之灾。
  艾娃(埃莉娜·麦迪逊 Elina Madison 饰)是一个杀人成性的火辣美女,这一次,她故技重施又杀死了一个男人,殊不知这回,她选错了人,酿下了弥天大祸。
  两个年轻人恶意的杀死,并且肢解了善良教授(Emmett McGuire 饰)的年轻妻子。
  药瘾眼中的威尔医生(克里斯·艾伦 Kris Allen 饰)杀死了一个流浪汉,却惹来了流浪汉的冤魂。

威廉泽罗的重建 8


  A geneticist wakes up from an accident with only fragments of his memory is forced to relearn who he is via his twin brother. But as he digs deeper, he discovers he might not be who he thought at all.

NightSky 7


  A trek across the American southwest with a ne'er do well petty thief trying to escape his mysterious past, a celestial vagabond trying to rediscover hers, and the ruthless killer who is following them.

最后的告别 7


WhatFunWeWereHaving 8


  An uncomfortable thriller about four sexual assaults in a small American town.

TheFrontier 1


  Laine, a young woman on the run from the law, turns up at the Frontier, an isolated desert diner and motel. She is offered a job by Luanne, the owner, and, hoping to lose herself in the obscurity of the place, accepts the job. But soon Laine realizes she has stumbled into an even bigger and more dangerous situation.

当我们住在迈阿密 2


  Filmed in Miami during Hurricane Isaac, 'It'll Build in the Gulf' is a hypnotic short about the lengths one woman will go to keep her family from falling apart. Using the real life storm to great effect, writer-director-star Amy Seimetz (director. 'Sun Don't Shine,' ) crafts a simple yet haunting narrative that is deeply felt and powerfully realized. Co-starring AJ Bowen ('A Ho...