"BB·金" 共找到影视: 19 部
经典唱片系列:猫王-埃尔维斯·普雷斯利 4


GiveMyPoorHeartEase 3


  An account of the blues experience through the recollections and performances of B.B. King, James "Son" Thomas, inmates from Parchman prison, a barber from Clarkesdale, a salesman from Beale Street, and others.

B.B.King:LiveinAfrica 1


  When Muhammad Ali and George Foreman staged their heavyweight title fight in Zaire in 1974, a three-day music festival was held in tandem with the bout, and headliner B.B. King proved why he's regarded as the world's premier blues guitarist with this dynamic concert performed for an audience of 80,000 African fans (look carefully to spot Ali enjoying the show).

A.K.A.DocPomus 4


  This film is a work of art... about a man who got dealt, in many ways, a lousy hand. Lesser men would have stayed in their room, their neighborhood, and not confronted the pain. Doc was not that man. And from his pain, his longing, his love, he wrote some of the most beautiful songs ever... sang the blues with the heart of someone who has known what it is to be on the outside.....

Mr.Bluesman 7


向S.R.V致敬 10


  • 最新更新
  • 1996  

  世上有一种人,他在茫茫人海中或许显得不怎么突出,然而当他若是拿起乐器开始弹奏,霎时间,整个周遭的人都会停下来听他演奏。而倘若有机会听到德州吉他之神——Stevie Ray Vaughan的琴音,你会立刻知道他就是属于这种光芒乍现的人,让你听过一次就魂牵梦萦,难以忘怀这世上竟曾经出现如此美妙的音乐。在SRV的演奏下BLUES成了一种狂热的音乐,具有洋溢的热情,和欢快的节奏让人兴奋。。
  SRV于1990/8/27飞机失事丧生後(享年36),1995年一堆BLUES艺人在SRV的哥哥Jimmie Vaughan邀请下,SRV生前的乐团Double Trouble同台表演翌年就出了此LIVE的CD,听了四年後,还是非得买DVD来看看他们。这张DVD的好,除了各艺人...

灵魂乐之夏 2


  The Harlem Cultural Festival和著名的伍德斯托克音乐节在同一个夏天举行,超过30万人参加,但如此盛大的音乐节却鲜有主流媒体报道。该纪录片回顾了当时的盛况

B.B.King:Live 9


  The man needs no introduction. Truly the reigning king of blues, over the last 60 years B.B. King has developed one of the world's most identifiable guitar styles and has influenced thousands of musicians. Known for integrating precise and complex string bends with left hand vibrato, King has a uniquely regal and velvety tone making every note count.

孟菲斯之路 7


埃里克·克莱普顿:12小节中的一生 4


  A look at the life and work of guitarist Eric Clapton told by those who have known him best, including BB King, Jimi Hendrix, and George Harrison.

一代拳王 9



U2:美国巡演 7


  Rattle and Hum是U2在美國巡迴時候的記錄片,除了在台上的表演之外,也包括了他們在美國探訪了搖滾樂之王「貓王」的成名地曼菲斯,還有在黑人音樂的聖地紐約哈林區看街頭藝人的演出,他們甚至在因為貓王而成名的錄音聖地Sun Studio錄製了幾首歌。這一部記錄片,有絕大多數在討論著,美國的許多音樂和文化帶給他們團員如何巨大的影響。Joshua Tree的封面拍攝地在美國西部加州的Joshua Tree國家公園,Rattle and Hum的同名專輯也收錄了他們翻唱美國民搖搖滾詩人Bob Dylan的名曲All Along the Wathtower,另一首U2的名曲I Still Haven't Found What I Am Looking For甚至在演唱會上找了個黑人福音團合作,整首歌改編得像是電影「修女也瘋狂」當中唱詩班那樣極具美國黑人風...