"Danny Steg" 共找到影视: 5 部
游戏结束了 10


  Four teenage boys from a rural town go to Tel Aviv for a fun night at a disco and inadvertantly stab a local youth. They are pursued by the police and a nearly retired detective who tries to save them from themselves.

室内我的爱 5


解放的女人 7


  ◎ 简  介:
  迈可是个30岁的女人. 她和他父亲在特拉维夫的一个会计师事务所工作, 为重要的宗教机构提供服务. 她奔波于她的孩子、丈夫、工作以及一个和她私通的男人之间. 当迈可得知了她情人不幸的死亡消息时, 她的生活也同时破碎了...
  from 阳光法国

MishehuLarutzIto 2


  Through the streets of Jerusalem two teenagers' stories will unite to tell the summer adventure of their lives. Tamar is an amazingly talented but very quiet and insecure girl, who leaves behind her home and all she knows, changing herself unrecognizably -from her looks to her attitude- to brace herself for a dangerous mission to help a loved-one. Asaf, a clumsy, naive, and ver...