"David Hayman" 共找到影视: 11 部
女角斗士 4



神圣追求 6


苏格兰威士忌的故事 3


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2016  

  David Hayman surveys the state of the Scotch whisky industry and examines the threats to its world dominance.

AppealCourt:TheEndoftheLine 10


  David Hayman narrates this revealing insider look into Scotland's criminal justice system in Edinburgh's Appeal Court.
  With unique access, the programme features a murder in Peebles, a hitmen killing in Glasgow and a 'Breaking Bad' style drug-dealing operation in Paisley.

寻找福尔摩斯 6


  Scottish actor David Hayman is becoming a sleuth himself to examine the truth behind Sherlock Holmes in a new one-off STV documentary.
  Due to be shown on December 27, the show will coincide with the release of the latest Sherlock Holmes adaptation directed by Madonna’s ex-husband Guy Ritchie, which seems set to be a festive blockbuster.
  The Search for Sherlock Holmes follows Ha...

弑君者 8


  the Lionheart, before he ascended to become King of England, as he must fight for his life and learn the responsibilities of leadership amidst a treacherous ambush.

寻找布克和海尔 10


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2010  

  TV Detective David Hayman investigates the crimes of Scotland’s most infamous body snatcher’s; Burke and Hare.
  During the early 19th century the University of Edinburgh was the leading institution in the world for medical sciences, especially in anatomy.
  However the demand for the dead was greater than what was naturally available due to the new law the ‘Bloody Code’.
  With this...

何处寻真相 5


  • 已完结
  • 2005  

  八十年代,女记者卡伦(Alison Lohman 饰)正著手调查十五年前一桩酒店凶案的真相。当事人兰尼(Kevin Bacon 饰)与文斯(Colin Firth 饰)是著名搭档艺人,1972年,两人为慈善事业筹款而进行巡回演出期间,人们在他们的套房中发现了一具女尸……卡伦先后接近两人,得到了兰尼的自传手稿,兰尼声称死者莫琳因嗑药过量而溺毙,但卡伦将兰尼的生活习惯与自传两相佐证后发现疑点重重。当年兰尼与文斯事业顺利,于是黑社会邀请他们演出,某夜,校报记者莫琳同两人上床,无意中发现文斯的同性恋倾向并以此要挟。兰尼怀疑吸毒成瘾的文斯杀死莫琳,但两人在黑社会庇护下都逃避了制裁。卡伦对两人各自的陈述不置可否之际,真正的凶手却自己浮出了水面……

因爱之名 10


  • 已完结
  • 1997  

  丹尼(丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯 Daniel Day Lewis 饰)曾是一名热血沸腾的革命青年,因为加入了北爱尔兰共和军而遭到了逮捕,艰苦的牢狱生活一过就是十四载。终于熬过了漫长的不自由的时光,重回社会的丹尼决定洗心革面,做一个低调的普通人。
  出狱后的丹尼重拾旧业成为了一名拳击教练,培养了一批和他一样热爱这项运动的年轻人。一场意外让丹尼和曾经的恋人玛姬(艾米丽·沃森 Emily Watson 饰)重逢了,此时的玛姬,独自一人抚养着十四岁的儿子林恩,日子过得十分艰辛。旧日爱情的火花在丹尼和玛姬之间死灰复燃,然而,曾经灰暗的过去亦让丹尼充满了犹疑和怯懦。

席德与南茜 9


  • 已完结
  • 1986  

  席德(加里奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)整日沉迷于吸毒之中,一日在朋友琳达家吸毒结识了南希(Chloe Webb饰),不久两人再次相遇,南希向他哭诉钱被偷了,无法买毒品,席德掏出所有钱叫南希去买毒品。如此两人成为了恋人,整日混在一起做爱吸毒,相互伤害又相互依靠。南希将席德带回了爷爷奶奶家里,无奈家人无法接受两个朋克,找理由将他们赶到汽车旅馆。南茜对席德的音乐才华深信不移,下定决心要帮乐队开一个演唱会,最后终于得到了著名演艺公司的许可。乐队的发展越来越有影响力,而两人的关系也不得不因为席德去美国巡演而分开。一日南茜接到了席德从美国打来的电话......
  本片根据性手枪乐队(THE SEX PISTOLS)的贝斯手希德维舍斯的事迹改编。