"Don Taylor" 共找到影视: 20 部
白宫艳史 9


  Mary Peppertree, a switchboard operator in the White House, is being courted by three men; Philip Manning, an attorney; Navy Lieutenant Tom Farrington, naval-aide to the President; and David Paxton, whose father owns an island in the Pacific. When the U.S. Navy negotiates for the purchase of the island for a base, David agrees to sell on two conditions - that Philip be made a j...

ThebanPlays:OedipusatColonus 10


狂野冲浪骑士 1


ThebanPlays:Antigone 2


  • 正片

ThebanPlays:OedipustheKing 4


漫长人生路 9


TheMenofSherwoodForest 10


  In 1194, on his return from the Third Crusade, Richard the Lionheart is taken prisoner in Germany. Disguised as a troubadour, Robin Hood formulates a plan to rescue Richard but he is captured himself.

亡命五杰 6


  Set during the Mexican Revolution, a man known only as "The Dutchman" has a plan, and brings in four of his old acquaintences, including an old army buddy and a silent Japanese swordsman, to help him out by promising a $1000 reward if it succeeds. The plan turns out to be a fool's mission: rob a train carrying $500,000 in gold that's guarded by dozens of heavily armed soldiers ...

假如美国不存在 6


  开篇通过情景再现独立战争的经典场面,假设了华盛顿死于战争等情况下美国将何去何从。在长久以来的观念中,美国作为世界上唯一的超级大国成为世界人民心驰神往的理想国度,而美国梦则帮助一代又一代的普通民众走向成功,梦想成真。但是外表华丽的美利坚却有着永远无法洗刷的原罪,窃取土地、窃取劳动、窃取资源等等,是许多学者和平民对这个咄咄逼人的帝国最强烈的指控。本片导演Dinesh D’Souza通过采访和史料,试图推翻上述有失偏颇的指控,进而指出真正让美利坚之梦破碎的恰恰是奥巴马、希拉里及其背后的少数利益既得者。孰是孰非,莫衷一是,或许不过又是一场纸牌屋的博弈……
  Dinesh D’Souza是一名印度裔美国人,他曾导演纪录片《2016:奥巴马的美国》试图影响2012年的大选。

致命的数字 1


  Harold Goames comes across a book of crime statistics and learns that the most select class of criminals in the country is made up of murderers. He immediately decides to join that class and murders his sister Margaret. His dream of joining the class of murders does not come true because police mistakenly rule that the sister died of natural causes.

天魔续集 1


  Seven years later, Damien Thorn is about to turn 13 and is just discovering who he really is, and what he is destined to do. Now living with his Aunt, Uncle, and cousin in a wealthy suburb of Chicago, Damien is in line to inherit everything from his family. Can Richard Thorn finish the job that Damien's father (Ambassador Robert Thorn) started

付之一炬 3


  Jan Manning is having serious financial problems. She runs a dress shop but sales are down and she doesn't have her late husband's knack at purchasing, the end result being that she has too much inventory. One of her suppliers, Mel Reeves, has a solution: he needs only to hire someone to break in to the shop through the skylight and set it on fire allowing Jan to collect on her...

Canearrabbiato 5


TheFullChatter 9
