"Edward Killy" 共找到影视: 5 部
ChinaPassage 10


  Two American's, Tommy Baldwin and Joe Dugan, are assigned to guard a fabulous diamond in Shanghai, and the diamond is promptly taken from them. They know it is being taken to a ship sailing from Shanghai to the United States, and board it with the intent of recovering the gem. Their efforts lead mostly to discovering several dead bodies but also on board is a blonde, Jane Dunn,...

Saturday'sHeroes 9


佩科斯之西 9


WagonTrain 7


  Pecos businessman Matt Gardner is buying up freighters, or wagon trains of food supplies, at cheap prices through intimidation, and charging high prices by deliberately causing phony food shortages at his trading posts. The only one refusing to sell his supplies is Zack Sibley, who is dead set on maintaining his freighter business as well as tracking down his father's murderer,...