"Ewa Konstancja Bulhak" 共找到影视: 4 部
我们所有的恐惧 9


  The relationship between the artist Daniel and Olek develops in secret. A teenage lesbian ******* triggers Daniel's fight to hit himself in the chest of the community. He is trying to organize a way of the cross for the girl. The people of his village turn their backs on him, Daniel tries to find understanding in the metropolitan world of art galleries. Based on facts, the stor...

比格达来了! 4


美臀心得 5


  闺蜜艾娃(多米尼卡·克鲁兹尼亚克)和玛雅(玛雅·荷史)认为她们在每日乏味工作、苦恼的孩子和讨厌的男人中举步难行。于是决定忘掉这一切,去一家高级休闲会所来点个人休闲时光。在那里,她们遇见了以为美丽的按摩师克内利亚(马格达内拉·布克匝斯卡), 而这正是她们开始抽**,踏上疯狂冒险之路的前奏。与此同时, 她们发现了一个真相: 那些男人比脂肪还要狂妄,更难以摆脱. 波兰获奖导演安杰伊· 萨拉伯诺维兹已经凭借'女士们'和 '男性荷尔蒙'轻松打破票房纪录. '美臀心得' 是他与华纳兄弟的首次合作,并且凭借电影中猥琐的对白与欢乐的歌曲,绝不会令其早期影迷失望。