"Georges Guéret" 共找到影视: 9 部
Unesijoliepetitefille 2


Femmesimpudiques 4


Lesfillesducamping 1



一个特殊的女人 1


  Yasmine (Karin Schubert) stars as a beautiful young newlywed with a serious drug problem. Her low-life husband (Georges Gueret) uses this addiction to manipulate her, forcing her to smuggle narcotics for him and even sleep with his gangster cronies to settle his drug debts. When Yasmine catches him in bed with another woman, she steals a large quantity of his ****** and goes on...

一鸣惊人 6


  故事发生在1901年的巴黎,自行车世纪大赛正在如火如荼的举办之中,于勒(布尔维尔 Bourvil 饰)是一个非常机灵的小工匠,他发明了一种新型自行车,这种自行车能让运动员们在汽车的时候更加节省体力。为了研发这种自行车,于勒赌上了所拥有的一切,还欠了不少债,为了抵债,当地的法官穆勒(罗伯特·赫希 Robert Hirsch 饰)扬言要没收于勒的研究心血。

Dossierérotiqued'unnotaire 7


  Le notaire, le vieux cochon du village, a besoin de se marier afin de faire taire les rumeurs concernant son got pour les partouzes et la luxure. Il jette son dévolu sur Evelyne qui accepte ses avances, irrésistiblement attirée par sa fortune. Mais celle-ci entretient une liaison avec une lesbienne qui ne l’entend pas de cette oreille.
  Directement inspirée du célèbre fait dive...

性感小野猫 1


肉体 8


  Benot is a coward and a voyeur, who gets his kicks from watching other couples make out. He cajoles his two new companions to attempt what he has never dared do: rob the safe in his father's factory, seduce his stepmother to blackmail her for money and finally go so far as committing murder. Thus begins a wild ride that takes them to the very edge of madness.