"Jerry O'Connell" 共找到影视: 10 部
旅行者第五季 8


  • 已更新至18集
  • 1999  

旅行者第四季 6


  • 已更新至22集
  • 1998  

幼虎游龙 1


  • 已更新至72集
  • 1990  

  My Secret Identity is a Canadian television series starring Jerry O'Connell and Derek McGrath. Originally broadcast from September 1, 1988 to May 1, 1991 on CTV in Canada, the series also aired in syndication in the United States.

蓝河 6


  • 已更新至1集
  • 1995  

  The quietest towns always hide the ugliest secrets.
  The stormy relationship of a young teenage boy with his troubled older brother is told in an extended flashback segment bookended by what happens when the two meet again 15 years later. Edward (Nick Stahl) is a young teen living in a family the father abandoned years before and where the mother (Susan Dey) has become a Christi...

FatSlags 9


  Having been madly in love with the Fats Slags since I was a young man, I was disappointed with this movie. How on earth can directors and producers continue to imagine that it can still be funny to take ordinary people and make them rich and successful, after Rosanne destroyed her career by doing exactly that with her working class show. This is without the incredibly clichéd n...

追星跑跳碰 7



请勿打扰第一季 8


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2008  

  这家酒店之所以有今天这样的好名声,而且里里外外被打点得无可挑剔,很大程度上要感谢Neal(Jerry O'Connell, "CrossingJordan")--至少他自己这么认为。尽管荣誉的光环最终戴在了酒店老板R.J. (RobertWagner客座演出)头上,但真正让酒店的日常工作正常运转的是总经理Neal。这位自恋、时髦、事无巨细均要亲自过问的总经理为了让酒店保持品位,让全体员工达到理想的水准,什么都做得出来。

午夜小河 5


  2001年,新奥尔良狂欢夜。来自波士顿的律师德克兰菲兹帕特里克(Jerry O'Connell 饰)午夜时分在一个废弃别墅内遭遇离奇经历。八年后萨其蒙节前夕,感情失意的德克兰重返新奥尔良,并买下了那幢传说中闹鬼的别墅。搬家当天,德克兰结识了美丽的邻家女孩莉娜(Lauren Stamile 饰),彼此都留下不错的印象。

嬉皮年代 5


  The Herlihys are a working class family from Chicago whose three children take wildly divergent paths: Brian joins the Marines right out of High School and goes to Vietnam, Michael becomes involved in the civil rights movement and after campaigning for Bobby Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy becomes involved in radical politics, and Katie gets pregnant, moves to San Francisco and joi...