"Lillian Gish" 共找到影视: 13 部
BienvenueàCannes 8


  From its simple beginnings in 1939 in a sleepy beach town in the south of France, the prestigious Cannes Film Festival has become the must-attend red carpet event of the year. Filmmaker Richard Schickel's fascinating documentary captures the glitz and glamour of the festival's incredible 60-year run with archival footage and unforgettable moments. Hollywood's biggest names incl...

格里菲斯:电影之父 6


  In this acclaimed three-part documentary, celebrated film historians Kevin Brownlow and David Gill (UNKNOWN CHAPLIN; BUSTER KEATON: A HARD ACT TO FOLLOW) tell the proud, sad story of D.W. Griffith (1875-1948): the man who first brought artistry and ambition to the movies, and then, having dragged a reluctant American film industry to international prominence, found it had no mo...

罗莫拉 5


孤孀母子 1


  In the valley of Silver Waters, a peddler family has parked their wagon. "Little Nellie" ventures out into the woods, and unexpectedly witnesses a horrific crime - Martin Cain and his wife (George Nichols and Josephine Crowell) are raging against a poor immigrant woman they have obviously employed; and, they inadvertently kill the woman. The violent act becomes a repressed memo...

幸福山谷里的浪漫 10


达芙妮与海盗 8


夜之猎手 9


  In this handmade film, composed of more than four thousand collages and shot in 35mm color, the actress Lillian Gish is seamlessly appropriated from silent-era cinema and plunged into a new and haunting role. Night Hunter evokes a disquieting dream scape, drawn from allegory, myth and archetype.

TheMotheringHeart 7


  23 min, Adultery

佩吉巷的火** 10


  Little Lady lives with her sick mother in a suburb of New York. Her lover, a penniless young musician, goes to seek his fortune on the other side of town, the victim alone with the thugs of Pig Alley…

金光闪闪 4


TheFollyofAnne 2
