"María Rosa Gallo" 共找到影视: 5 部
给一毛钱 3


Losgauchosjudíos 6


落入陷阱 2


  阿根廷新浪潮电影大师托雷尼尔逊最好的作品之一,1961年嘎纳国际电影节费比西奖,60年代最重要的阿根廷新电影之一,喜欢Jean Cocteau或者Georges Franju的应该会同样喜欢这部影片吧。
  Leopoldo Torre Nilsson was probably the best film director in Argentina. He was a man with a vision. He was the one that elevated the local cinema and put it on the map in the late 50s and early 60s. He almost always worked on screen plays based on his wife, Beatriz Guido's nov...

LaCifraimpar 10


  根据阿根廷作家Julio Cortázar的短篇小说《母亲的信》改编的电影,导演和主演都是阿根廷新浪潮电影的中坚力量。4/5
  An admirable adaptation. Unlike Michelangelo Antonioni's 'Blow up' - an unbearable two-hour film of an amazing short-story, nevertheless considered a masterpiece - 'La cifra impar', by Manuel Antín carefully translates all the attractive of Julio Cortázar's short-story 'Cartas de mamá' to 85 minutes of high quality ...