"Marcello Coscia" 共找到影视: 19 部
Cacciaall'uomo 9


Unmaritoincondominio 10


Iladri 8


名叫朱利奥的女孩 1


L'ammutinamento 7


天空燃烧之日 10


僵尸坟场 2


  • 已完结
  • 1974  


迷之血红 2


  • 已完结
  • 1978  

  RED RINGS OF FEAR (ENIGMA ROSSO), 1978, 85 min. Director Alberto Negrin wraps up the SOLANGE trilogy in this giallo where more sexually precocious schoolgirls bite the dust. Fabio Testi is the police inspector on the murderer’s trail, and Christine Kaufmann is his girlfriend. Chock-full of red herrings, perverse twists, sleazy situations, outrageous dialogue and an out-of-left-...

Giantofthe20thCentury 9


  Un maremoto che ha sconvolto l'Artico riporta alla luce, ibernato in un blocco di ghiaccio, un esemplare di Yeti, l'abominevole uomo delle nevi. L'industriale canadese Morgan Hunnicut, che vorrebbe servirsene per far pubblicità alle sue imprese, affida all'amico paleontologo Harry Wassermann il compito di rianimare il gigante. Tornato a vivere, lo Yeti dimostra di non gradire l...

艺术家的战争生涯 9


无尾女人 7


有尾巴的女人 7


  A bunch of 7 orphan cavemen grow up on a little island all by themselves. After a fire burns all vegetation they set out to find a new place to live. Here, one day they trap a strange animal, looking very similar to them, only softer and with longer hair. She (Filli) feels attracted to one of the brothers (Ulli) and convinces him, that a certain kind of playing with each other ...

智多星巧破钻石库 8


  The movie is unusual in that it has such a multinational cast and quite a bit of the movie is dubbed because of this. This didn't matter to say the least. However, it was interesting to see Adolfo Celi in the movie. He was the lead villain in Bond's THUNDERBALL and in this movie his voice is dubbed with a totally different voice and so he sounds a lot different.
  Now on to what ...

雌虎斗群龙 9
