"Michal Waszynski" 共找到影视: 10 部
华沙歌手 6


  Pochodzcy z szanowanej i bogatej rodziny Julian Pagórski (Eugeniusz Bodo) wiedzie beztroskie ycie bawidamka i hulaki. Rada familijna chce pooy temu kres i zmusi go do ustatkowania si i podjcia pracy. Gdy odmawia, stryj Eustachy (Micha Znicz) wypdza go z domu. Julian za namow przyjaciela Lola (Wiktor Biegański), z gitar w rku wdruje po warszawskich podwórkach i pi...

Dodeknafroncie 4


BohaterowieSybiru 2


  The extraordinary story of a Polish military formation - the 5th Polish Rifle Division (also known as the Siberian Division) - operating during the civil war in Russian Siberia. The soldiers were recruited from among Polish prisoners of war from the German and Austrian armies and Poles who found themselves in exile in Siberia. Among the soldiers there were even volunteers - exi...

Fiammesulmare 10


Papasien 5


Znachor 8


Kultciala 1


  A sculptor is desperately looking for a model for his latest work entitled New Venus. One day he meets girl who seems like perfect candidate. Soon, they both fall in love with each other.

Lagrandestrada 10


  Michal Waszynski et Vittorio Cottafavi
  Italie / 1946 / 90 min
  Avec Fadoriga Andrejewska, Maria Bogdanska, Paolo Carlini.
  Le premier film polonais d'après-guerre a été réalisé en Italie. Il narre le long trajet parcouru par les soldats polonais de l'Armée du Général Wladyslaw Anders et leur participation à la terrible bataille de Montecassino.
  Version italienne....

恶灵 2


  In a Polish shtetl, two young men who have grown up together betrothe their unborn children, ignoring the advice of a mysterious traveler not to pledge the lives of future generations. Soon after, one of them dies, and the wife of the other dies in childbirth. The children grow up in different towns, without ever knowing of the betrothal, but the power of the vow leads them to ...