"Michel Simon" 共找到影视: 8 部
FemmesdeParis 4


  It all begins when astronomer Charles spots a heretofore undiscovered exploding star while peering through is telescope. While calling his colleagues with the news, Charles inadvertently eavesdrops on a young girl, threatening *******. In the interests of humanity, Charles decides to try to prevent this tragedy, thereby getting himself entangled with a narcotics ring and severa...

LesjumeauxdeBrighton 3


LaChaleurdusein 1


  Eighteen-year-old Gilbert Quercy has tried to commit ******* and has been sent to hospital. Nobody is surprised there when his mother comes to visit him but the nurse cannot believe her eyes when a second mother, and - even more astounding - a third one, present themselves to comfort the young patient. The reason for this is that Michel Quercy, Gilbert's father, a fanciful egyp...

荣军院 3


  《荣军院》(Htel des Invalides,乔治·弗朗叙,1951年|28分钟|35毫米|黑白|有声)通过带领观众参观法国军事博物馆控诉了战争的灾难。拿破仑长眠于斯的巴黎荣军院,后来成为了法国军事博物馆的所在地,每天都有很多游人前来参观。在这座巍峨的建筑里,陈列着法国各个历史时期的军事装备。一对正在参观的恋人被各式各样的大炮震慑了,此时画外音响起:“就其外观而言,这些军事器械似乎让参观者们感到某种愉悦。然而,想到此刻仍然像毒蘑菇一样飞速膨胀的军事工业,你就不会觉得有什么好笑了。”随后,银幕上出现了原子弹爆炸的场面以及这样一段字幕:“在第一次世界大战期间,法国总共有138万5千名士兵死亡、失踪和受伤,也就是说每27个法国国民中就有一位受害者。”本片是法国国防部定制的影片,却被拍成十足的反战片,甚至被当作“反面教材”。为了凸显战争的荒谬和残酷,导...

最后的转角 8


  小说《邮差总按两次铃》改编的第一版电影 黑白片

雷内·克莱尔 6
