"Moris Cohen" 共找到影视: 10 部
Juda 3


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2017  

Shir 6


黎明待戮 5


  Four comrades in arms attempt to influence the young Elisha, to make him overcome his conflicts of conscience and fully commit to their cause. The story is set in Palestine in 1947, during the British mandate period. The Zionists are fighting for the establishment of a Jewish state. A member of the armed Jewish underground has been sentenced to death by the British authorities....

摩萨德101 4


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2015  

  The series revolves around a secret Mossad compound called 'HaMidrasha', which is surrounded by surveillance cameras and is equipped with technological devices. The compound operates a training course in which 13 trainees are sent to complicated missions in order to test their suitability for the occupation, and their improvisation, seduction and impersonation abilities. Yonna,...

遗失的天堂 10



BeDmeyiYameha 6


雅法 6


  素以“海的新娘”著称的历史古城——以色列的雅法【特拉维夫的一部分。以色列第二大城市特拉维夫的全称其实是特拉维夫-雅法,它是两个相邻的城市合并而成的。1947年,联合国关于巴勒斯坦的分治决议,建议雅法(当时人口为10万,包括3万犹太人)归阿拉伯人所有;特拉维夫(当时人口23万)归犹太人所有。1948年,以色列军队占领了雅法,城中的阿拉伯人纷纷逃亡。1950年,特拉维夫将雅法老城兼并,取名为“特拉维夫-雅法”,并延用至今。】。这个城市的中心街区,开着一家世袭的家族企业——车铺。业主鲁文·沃尔夫Reuven Wolf(莫尼·莫绍诺夫饰)有一双成年子女,玛莉Mali(达娜·伊维吉饰)和梅厄Meir(罗尼特·埃尔卡贝茨饰)。巴勒斯坦青年陶菲...

佩雷·阿齐尔 10


  Almost everything in Eli's life, a 15 years old boy with an eating disorder, is on the brink of catastrophe. He lives in a seedy neighborhood with his mother and her husband, two ex-junkies obsessed with living a "normative" life. His alcoholic father is an unemployed artist and a street philosopher, an eccentric character in a rough environment.
  In this impulsive and violent w...

虔诚巡护 8


  Rules must be followed. For the “supervisors” of a Bat Yam neighborhood in Israel, this means ensuring that women are dressed appropriately, that people respect Shabbat, or that Arabs from Jaffa don’t enter the neighborhood with music blaring from their cars. Avi, Kobi and Yaniv are young and know how to fight. Avi is their leader. The group’s dynamic is challenged when Avi thr...