"Nurhan zenen" 共找到影视: 8 部
詹丹外传 9


埃泽尔第二季 3


  • 已更新至38集
  • 2010  

绝望主妇 7


  • 已更新至130集
  • 2011  

阿达纳里第一季 10


  yavuz 和 ali 是从小一起玩大的结拜兄弟,从小立志当警察,后拉也如愿以偿当上了警察,但是由于某些原因,ali 被迫离开了自己极爱的行业。他为此怀恨在心,就聚集了一些从小就家庭贫困的男孩,组成伊斯坦布尔最大的“黑社会”。ali 是头儿,还有4个成员,但是他们只是教训社会上的混混,也会偷一些从事不正当事情(例如:扳毒,受贿等)的人的钱财,但是他把那些钱都捐给慈善机构。正当伊斯坦布尔经常都在怀疑 ali 但又没证据抓捕的时候,刑警大队局长提提从伊兹密尔把ADANALI(也就是yavuz)请来。因为只有他才能制服 ali 。和yavuz 一起工作的刑警大队队长 idi l也开始想办法引 ali 上钩。她故意撞上 ali 的车,想各种办法让 ali 喜欢上自己。事情也如她所愿,进行的非常顺利。而 yavuz 刚回到伊斯坦布尔就收到希腊来的一个电话,说他...

我们的冠军 4


  The champion is a great love story between Halis Karatas and Begum Atman, who came together with the legendary race horse Bold Pilot. Adapted from a true story, the film is owned by the prominent name of Turkish horseshoe Ozdemir Atman and the Bold Pilot is a horse that won the love of even those not interested in horse racing. Bold Pilot and his permanent jockey Halis Karatas ...

抽屉 10


  Deniz, 33, ends up in a hospital after a traumatic night and has to face the ghosts of her past: Soon after the divorce of her parents, she is left behind at the age of five. Her father's control on her childhood's sexual discovery, drove her into a life full of parties, men and sex. After 25 years of her painful but liberating journey and finally months of hospital recovery, s...