"Peter Sempel" 共找到影视: 8 部
NinaHagen=Punk+Glory 1


丛林中的乔纳斯 10


沙漠中的乔纳斯 6


  Not a documentary in the strictest sense of the word. Rather, it is a journey through the world of the artist Jonas Mekas - one of the exponents of independent U.S. movies; founder and director of the New York Anthology Film Archive.

ReminiszenzenausDeutschland 8


  Reminiszenzen aus Deutschland de Jonas Mekas
  états-Unis, 2012 / 16mm transféré en vidéo et vidéo, 25’, coul., vostf, inédit
   Ce film e st ma première tentative d’introduire brièvement à la période allemande de ma vie : de juillet 1944 à octobre 1949. Utilisant des photos originales de l’époque et des images film et vidéo prises en 1971 et en 1993, je revisite Elmshorn, Flensbu...

大野一雄:我舞踏進光里 7


  This is a wonderful documentary movie about Butoh-dancer-legend Kazuo Ohno. I hesitated to upload it for a long time because my TV-rip isn't of very good quality and I was always waiting Arte would show the movie again so I could record it again in higher quality. But well, I am sure some people like to see the film anyway.
  It's a German movie, so there will be some introductor...

JustVisitingThisPlanet 8


JonasintheFields 8


  Jonas Mekas died in 2019 aged 96. Since the end of the 1980s, Peter Sempel has met the film poet regularly all over the world. Now it's time to film the final encounters: Chez Mekas in Brooklyn, in the fields of Lithuania where he grew up, on a reading tour in Hamburg. On the way, he meets artists for whom Mekas was an inspiration: Jim Jarmusch, John Waters, Julian Schnabel. In...