"Rainer Ewerrien" 共找到影视: 6 部
双探寻凶第三十九季 8


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2019  

  German crime series centering around a succession of lawyers and a private investigator and former police officer, who typically team up to clear a client of the lawyer, who is usually an innocent suspect in a murder case.

我女儿的生命 5


系统错误乐队:当莺歌跳起舞 6


  麦克斯(Constantin von Jascheroff 饰)一直梦想着自己能够成为一名歌手并且组建属于自己的摇滚乐团,为了实现这个梦想,麦克斯一直在不懈的努力着。英格(宝拉·卡伦贝格 Paula Kalenberg 饰)是麦克斯的同班同学,她是一个非常非常特立独行的女孩,有着深邃的思想和高洁的灵魂。桀骜不驯的英格和放荡不羁的麦克斯之间因为种种误会而产生了矛盾,争锋相对的两人是校园里的一大看点。

Ausflug 4


  • 译名:
  • 类别:
  • 语言:德语  

寂静的夏天 7


  Suzanne in her fifties, is on the top of her professional carrer as a international art agent. She suddenly loses her voice and is obligated to take a break from her activities; As she arrives in her vacation home in the South of France, she can finally take the time to take care of herself and rediscover what makes her passionate. Until she falls in the arms of a young family ...