"Ranjit Chowdhry" 共找到影视: 5 部
查克拉 4


  Amma lives in Bijapur with her husband and son, Benwa. When a man attempts to sexually molest her, he is killed by her husband, the trio flee, but the husband is shot dead by the police. Amma re-locates to a shanty slum near Dharavi, Bombay, where Benwa grows up and shines shoes for a living. Amma is sexually active with Looka, a hoodlum and extortionist who shows up once in wh...

萨姆和我 2


美洲混纺 8


  After making its highly acclaimed, wide-reaching presence at the MAMI International Film Festival in Mumbai; the Newport Beach Film Festival and having enjoyed a centerpiece screening at this year's Osian-Cinefan festival held in New Delhi, the Anupam Kher and Dee Wallace starrer, AMERICAN BLEND is all set to hit Indian theatres on September 29, 2006.
  Under the banner of White ...

土匪女王 5


  这部1995年的电影以印度传奇女土匪普兰提毗的传记为原型。普兰提毗于1963年生于印度北方邦的一个低种姓家庭,很小时候就被嫁给了一个中年男人。后来她逃家,加入土匪帮,成为匪帮里唯一的女性,并与一位匪帮成员相恋。她曾经饱受侮辱,也曾是匪帮的首领,也曾被**招安,从阶下囚到 土匪女王,她不甘屈服于自己种姓,奋力反抗,在短暂如流星一般生命里写下自己的传奇。电影荣获43届印度电影最佳影片奖。