"Robert Hughes" 共找到影视: 13 部
AScaryTime 2


  Clarke started her narrative career with this little-seen short produced by UNICEF to promote their Halloween charity drive. Clare deviates from the expected by comparing the closeups of the "scary" children in Halloween costumes to troubling images of sick and emaciated children in third-world countries. It was so effective, that the film was banned for many years.

视觉空间 9


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2005  

辛巴达历险记 8


  • 已更新至26集
  • 1998  

新艺术的震撼 9


  Intelligent, gripping, innovative, Robert Hughes' eight-part exploration of modern art gets an airing on BBC Four. First shown on BBC Two in the 1980s, the series looks at different themes rather than presenting the art chronologically.
  Ben Lewis: "It is the greatest series on art ever made"
  The Mechanical Paradise - Episode 1
  Thursday 8 July 10pm-11pm
  Traces how developments i...

罗伯特·弗罗斯特:一位与众人争吵的情人 4


  By the time Clarke made a biopic on Robert Frost for public television, he was a long-celebrated American institution. Though featuring him accepting the Congressional Gold Medal from President Kennedy at the White House, Clarke lingers on the 88-year-old poet busily ambling about his house and property in Vermont and intersperses this with relaxed talks to students at Sarah La...

飞哥和小佛:惊奇任务 5


  When Dr. Doofenshmirtz's latest invention causes the Marvel heroes to lose their powers, they team up with Phineas and Ferb to save the world from Doofenshmirtz and the Marvel villains.

圣帕特里克:爱尔兰传说 8


  一个年轻的基督教男孩参加德鲁伊祭典时,被入侵的爱尔兰部落攻击。被俘后,他被带回爱尔兰当奴隶。历经千辛万苦,他终于在信仰中找到安慰和救赎。几年后,他逃回英国,在那里他加入了一个修道院来证明他的信仰。他最大的愿望是回到爱尔兰,使爱尔兰人皈依基督教。几年后,他得到了这 个机会。一踏上爱尔兰的土地,所有的蛇都自动离开。他克服许多困难(包括与不列颠枢机主教的分歧)后,完成了自己的使命,并最终被封为圣徒。

AmericanVisions 2


弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫 9


  A Video profile of the novelist and artist, his rich and productive life and a view of his working quarters in Montreux, for which the producer Robert Hughes went to Switzerland.

RangerArsenal 1


RangerBios 10
